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  • Publication
    Tablets Helping Elderly and Disabled People
    (Smart Homes. Dutch Expert Centre On Home Automation, Smart Living & E-Health, 2012) Castro, Mercedes de; Ruiz Mezcua, María Belén; Sánchez-Pena, José Manuel; García Crespo, Ángel; Iglesias Maqueda, Ana María; Pajares, José Luis
    The article introduces the basics by which tablets are considered as appropriate tools for integration and promotion of the elderly in the digital world. To prove this, the paper presents three research projects carried out by CESyA that integrate Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Voice Synthesis, subtitling, audiodescription or audio navigation tools into tablets for encourage autonomy and personal growth for the elderly and for people with disabilities
  • Publication
    La accesibilidad en la publicidad: nueva propuesta de gestión de contenidos en el proyecto GEMMA
    (2010-11-18) Prades, Carlos; Iglesias Maqueda, Ana María; Ruiz Mezcua, María Belén; Ahumada, Raimundo; Álvarez, Maximino; Macho, Fernando
    El objetivo principal del proyecto "GEMMA, GEstor Multiplataforma de Medios publicitarios Audiovisuales", que en este artículo se presenta, es realizar una nueva propuesta de gestión de contenidos audiovisuales publicitarios sobre plataformas de distinta naturaleza que serán distribuidos a dispositivos multiplataforma, todo ello teniendo en cuenta desde el diseño la accesibilidad tanto de los contenidos hasta el momento de su publicación.
  • Publication
    Uso de Dispositivos iPad para Lectura de Subtítulos en las Aulas
    (2010-10-18) Ruiz Mezcua, María Belén; Iglesias Maqueda, Ana María; Jiménez, Javier; López, Juan Francisco; Pajares, José Luis; Hernández, Julián
    En este artículo se propone el uso de dispositivos iPad1 para que cada asistente interesado pueda leer los subtítulos en su propio dispositivo. El envío de los subtítulos se realiza de forma inalámbrica, a través de Internet, con una conexión de datos móvil. Esto facilita el despliegue de subtítulos en el aula sin necesidad de alterar o de adaptar las aulas.
  • Publication
    Web Educational Services for All: The APEINTA Project
    (ACM, 2011-03-28) Iglesias Maqueda, Ana María; Moreno López, Lourdes; Ruiz Mezcua, María Belén; Pajares, José Luis; Jiménez, Javier; López, Juan Francisco; Revuelta Sanz, Pablo; Hernández, Julián
    This paper presents the web-based educational services included in the APEINTA project. The main aim of APEINTA is to avoid barriers among the students and the education. Taking into account the advantage of cloud computing paradigm, the next web-based services are proposed: First, a captioning service, so students with hearing disabilities, for instance, could access to the verbatim speech of the teachers, even in a remote location; Second, a text-to-speech service, so students with speaking problems could participate in the class or in oral discussions or meetings, for instance, just writing in their personal devices; Third, a web-based educational system, so every student can access the pedagogical resources with time and location independency
  • Publication
    Tablet PC and Head Mounted Display for Live Closed Captioning in Education
    (IEEE, 2011-01-09) Jiménez, Javier; Iglesias Maqueda, Ana María; López, Juan Francisco; Hernández, Julián; Ruiz Mezcua, María Belén
    Automatic Speech Recognition is a powerful tool for inclusive education. Captioning helps disabled students but distract other students. We propose and evaluate the use of Tablets PC and Head Mounted Displays for live closed captioning
  • Publication
    Formando al Homo Conexus
    (Observatorio para la Cibersociedad, 2006) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel; García Crespo, Ángel
    El presente trabajo expone una iniciativa llevada a cabo en el seno de una asignatura de la titulación Ingeniero en Informática de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Con ella se pretende formar profesionales de la informática que dominen funcionalmente las herramientas de la Web 2.0, siendo, de esta forma, capaces de usarlas y de implantarlas en las organizaciones. Esta circunstancia les habilita para ser denominados como Homo Conexus, término que ilustra la vida del hombre que habita en la cibersociedad y que se nutre de ella para aprender y comunicarse.
  • Publication
    Search in the eye of the beholder: using the personal social dataset and ontology-guided input to improve web search efficiency
    (IEEE, 2007-10) Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Alor-Hernández, Giner; Posada-Gómez, Rubén; García Crespo, Ángel
    Among the challenges of searching the vast information source the Web has become, improving Web search efficiency by different strategies using semantics and the user generated data from Web 2.0 applications remains a promising and interesting approach. In this paper, we present the Personal Social Dataset and Ontology-guided Input strategies and couple them together, providing a proof of concept implementation.
  • Publication
    EsaCake: a semantic software enviroment for sharing software proyects knowledge based on the ESA software methodology
    (IEEE, 2008-06) Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel; Mencke, Myriam; Chamizo, Javier; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; García Crespo, Ángel
    There is an increasing need of defining standards at the beginning of any engineering project. The correct specification of standards has become essential in software development in order to handle correctly the development of projects. Nowadays the need to define standards at the outset of any engineering project is more evident than ever. The specification of standards has become an essential topic which universities try to teach to software engineering students. In fact, software creation processes are required intrinsically to be produced according to a systematic methodology to enable constant control during the project life cycle. This paper presents a new environment that enables semantic and social interaction of documentation produced during software development processes.
  • Publication
    Software engineering 2.0: a social global repository based on semantic annotation and social web for knowledge management
    (Springer, 2008-09-24) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel; García Crespo, Ángel; Puebla-Sánchez, Inmaculada
    The effective management of the software development process has become an essential for business survival in an ever more competitive industry. In order to gain business strengths from the development process, organizations need to carry out software development in the most efficient manner possible, avoiding redundancy and time losses. This paper presents an architecture which combines the strengths of two technologies, Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web, as a solution to reuse and extrapolate knowledge and software products across projects and organizations.
  • Publication
    Callimachus DL: using semantics to enhance search and etrieval in a digital library.
    (Springer, 2008-09-20) Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; García Crespo, Ángel
    Among the challenges of classifying, locating and accessing knowledge in Digital Libraries tackling with the huge amount of resources the Web provides, improving Digital Libraries by means of different strategies, particularly, using semantics remains a promising and interesting approach. In this paper, we present CallimachusDL, a semantics-based Digital Library which provides faceted search, enhanced access possibilities and a proof-of-concept implementation.
  • Publication
    It's not only about technology, it's about people: interpersonal skills as a part of the IT education.
    (Springer, 2009-09-16) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Casado-Lumbreras, Cristina; García Crespo, Ángel; Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel
    The importance of what have been termed the "soft skills" for the professional development of IT professionals is beyond any doubt. Taking account of this circumstance, the objective of the current research may be phrased as two separate questions. In the first place, determining the importance which IT related degree students place on these types of competencies for their professional future. In the second place, the importance which the development of the mentioned competencies has been given during their studies. The realization of an empirical study has fulfilled the two objectives described. The results demonstrate, on the one side, the moderate relevance which students assign to interpersonal competencies, especially emotional competencies, in contrast to the international curricular recommendations and studies concerning labor markets. On the other hand, the results indicate the scarce emphasis which lecturers have placed on the development of such competencies.
  • Publication
    SeMatching: using semantics to perform pair matching processes
    (Springer, 2009-09-16) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel; García Crespo, Ángel; Mencke, Myriam
    The importance of the human factor in 21st century organizations means that the competent development of professionals has become a key aspect. In this environment, mentoring has emerged as a common and efficient practice for the development of knowledge workers. Following the surge of concepts such as eMentoring, advancements of the Internet and its evolution towards a Semantic Web, such developments present novel opportunities for the improvement of the different characteristics of mentoring. Basing itself on such advancements, this paper presents SeMatching, a semantics-based platform which utilizes different personal and professional information to carry out pair matching of mentors and mentees.
  • Publication
    A study of emotions in requirements engineering.
    (Springer, 2010-09-27) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Hernández-López, Adrián; García Crespo, Ángel; Soto-Acosta, Pedro
    Requirements engineering (RE) is a crucial activity in software development projects. This phase in the software development cycle is knowledge intensive, and thus, human capital intensive. From the human point of view, emotions play an important role in behavior and can even act as behavioral motivators. Thus, if we consider that RE represents a set of knowledge-intensive tasks, which include acceptance and negotiation activities, then the emotional factor represents a key element in these issues. However, the emotional factor in RE has not received the attention it deserves. This paper aims to integrate the stakeholder’s emotions into the requirement process, proposing to catalogue them like any other factor in the process such as clarity or stability. Results show that high arousal and low pleasure levels are predictors of high versioning requirements.
  • Publication
    Technology enhanced learning for people with intellectual disabilities and cerebral parallysis: the MAS platform.
    (Springer, 2010-05-30) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Paniagua Martín, Fernando; García Crespo, Ángel; Ruiz Mezcua, María Belén
    Education for students with disabilities now takes place in a wide range of settings, thus, including a wider range of assistive tools. As a result of this, one of the most interesting application domains of technology enhanced learning is related to the adoption of learning technologies and designs for people with disabilities. Following this unstoppable trend, this paper presents MAS, a software platform aimed to help people with severe intellectual disabilities and cerebral paralysis in their learning processes. MAS, as a technology enhanced learning platform, provides several tools that supports learning and monitoring for people with special needs, including adaptative games, data processing and monitoring tools. Installed in a special needs education institution in Madrid, Spain, MAS provides special educators with a tool that improved students education processes.
  • Publication
    Improving trading saystems using the RSI financial indicator and neural networks.
    (Springer, 2010-08-12) Rodríguez-González, Alejandro; Guldrís-Iglesias, Fernando; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel; Jiménez Domingo, Enrique; Alor-Hernández, Giner; Posada-Gómez, Rubén; Cortes-Robles, Guillermo
    Trading and Stock Behavioral Analysis Systems require efficient Artificial Intelligence techniques for analyzing Large Financial Datasets (LFD) and have become in the current economic landscape a significant challenge for multi-disciplinary research. Particularly, Trading-oriented Decision Support Systems based on the Chartist or Technical Analysis Relative Strength Indicator (RSI) have been published and used worldwide. However, its combination with Neural Networks as a branch of computational intelligence which can outperform previous results remain a relevant approach which has not deserved enough attention. In this paper, we present the Chartist Analysis Platform for Trading (CAST, in short) platform, a proof-of-concept architecture and implementation of a Trading Decision Support System based on the RSI and Feed-Forward Neural Networks (FFNN). CAST provides a set of relatively more accurate financial decisions yielded by the combination of Artificial Intelligence techniques to the RSI calculation and a more precise and improved upshot obtained from feed-forward algorithms application to stock value datasets.
  • Publication
    Improving N calculation of the RSI financial indicator using neural networks
    (IEEE, 2010) Rodríguez-González, Alejandro; Guldris-Iglesias, Fernando; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Alor-Hernández, Giner; Posada-Gómez, Rubén
    Trading and Stock Behavioral Analysis Systems require efficient Artificial Intelligence techniques for analyzing large financial datasets and have become in the current economic landscape a significant challenge for multi disciplinary research. Particularly, Trading oriented Decision Support Systems based on the Chartist or Technical Analysis Relative Strength Indicator (RSI) have been published and used worldwide. However, its combination with Neural Networks as a branch of evolutionary computing which can outperform previous results remain a relevant approach which has not deserved enough attention. In this paper, we present the Chartist Analysis Platform for Trading (CAST, in short) platform, a proof of concept architecture and implementation of a Trading Decision Support System based on the RSI N value calculation and Feed Forward Neural Networks (FFNN). CAST provides a set of relatively more accurate financial decisions yielded by the combination of Artificial Intelligence techniques to the N calculation for RSI and a more precise and improved upshot obtained from feed forward algorithms application to stock value datasets.
  • Publication
    Generic competences for the IT knowledge workers: a study from the field.
    (Springer, 2010-09-27) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Cabezas-Isla, Fernando; García Crespo, Ángel; Soto-Acosta, Pedro
    This paper aims to identify generic competency levels relevant to a particular kind of knowledge workers: software engineers. Based on previous works, and in particular in the description of a professional career, authors review of the literature related to the characterization of the labor force in the Software Engineering (SE) domain. Subsequently, using a quantitative analysis based on investigative surveys administered to a number of representative professionals, authors provide with a generic competency ladder adapted to the given career description.
  • Publication
    CLOUDIO: a cloud computing-oriented multi-tenant architecture for business information systems.
    (IEEE, 2010-07) Jiménez Domingo, Enrique; Torres Niño, Javier; Lagares Lemos, Ángel; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel; Lagares Lemos, Miguel
    Cloud Computing is evolving from a mere "storage" technology to a new vehicle for Business Information Systems (BIS) to manage, organize and provide added-value strategies to current business models. However, the underlying infrastructure for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) to become a new platform for trading partners and transactions must rely on intelligent, flexible, context-aware Multi-Tenant Architectures. In this paper, we present Cloudio, a Cloud Computing-based metadata-powered Multi-Tenant Architecture, backed with a proof-of-concept J2EE implementation.
  • Publication
    SOLE: Applying semantics and social web to support technology enhanced learning in software engineering
    (Springer, 2010-05-30) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Jiménez-López, Diego; García Crespo, Ángel; Blanco Iglesias, Borja
    E-learning educative processes are a challenge for educative institutions and education professionals. In an environment in which learning resources are being produced, catalogued and stored using innovative ways, SOLE provides a platform in which exam questions can be produced supported by Web 2.0 tools, catalogued and labeled via semantic web and stored and distributed using eLearning standards. This paper presents, SOLE, a social network of exam questions sharing particularized for Software Engineering domain, based on semantics and built using semantic web and eLearning standards, such as IMS Question and Test Interoperability specification 2.1.
  • Publication
    A framework for the analysis of the potential performance of chief information officers
    (Springer, 2010) Varajao, Joao; Amaral, Luís; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Gouvela, Jorge
    Information Systems Function is an organisational area of major importance in the context of the competitive development of organisations. At the centre of the Information Systems Function we find the Chief Information Officer (CIO), who is the main responsible for the organisation and leadership of this function. Given the nature of the duties assigned to the CIO, her/his work directly influences the development of an organisation, so it has become important to assess her/his potential performance before s/he finds herself/him in charge of the information systems function. This article proposes the CIO Performance Square - a framework for analysing the potential performance of CIOs based on their education and experience.