Thinking as Translation. The Silent Dialogue with Myself as Another

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ISBN: 10 - 84-616-8521-0
ISBN: 13- 978-84-616-8521-9
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Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
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In this paper, I argue that the activity of translating can be found at the very core of philosophizing, in the experience of thinking itself. Firstly, I argue that a genuine translation entails thinking together with the translated author, by imagining a dialogue with him or her. Secondly, I argue that thinking itself is a process of translation. Starting form Plato’s and Aristotle’s depictions of thinking as dialogue, I argue that we can find a similar treatment of thinking in Heidegger’s analysis of the “voice of conscience”, and I show how the dialogue with my own conscience has a translative effect: it transports me from the inauthenticity of my everyday life towards my possible and better self. Thus, not only translation, but thinking too is a form of hospitality, the thinker being a host for his own possible self.
Congreso Internacional celebrado en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid del 24 al 26 de septiembre de 2012
Thinking, Translation, Hospitality, Foreignization, Ereignis, Heidegger
Bibliographic citation
Pensar la traducción: la filosofía de camino entre las lenguas. Actas del Congreso (Talleres de comunicaciones). Madrid, septiembre de 2012. Madrid: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2014. Pp. 152-160