The Impact of a Novel Immersive Virtual Reality Technology Associated with Serious Games in Parkinson's Disease Patients on Upper Limb Rehabilitation: A Mixed Methods Intervention Study

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Journal Issue
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes impaired motor functions. Virtual reality technology may be recommended to optimize motor learning in a safe environment. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the e ects of a novel immersive virtual reality technology used for serious games (Oculus Rift 2 plus leap motion controller—OR2-LMC) for upper limb outcomes (muscle strength, coordination, speed of movements, fine and gross dexterity). Another objective was to obtain qualitative data for participants’ experiences related to the intervention. Methods: A mixed methods intervention (embedded) study was used, with a qualitative design after a technology intervention (quantitative design). The intervention and qualitative design followed international guidelines and were integrated into the method and reporting subheadings. Results: Significant improvements were observed in strength (p = 0.028), fine (p = 0.026 to 0.028) and gross coordination dexterity, and speed movements (p = 0.039) in the a ected side, with excellent compliance (100%) and a high level of satisfaction (3.66 0.18 points out of the maximum of 4). No adverse side e ects were observed. Qualitative findings described patients’ perspectives regarding OR2-LMC treatment, facilitators and barriers for adherence, OR2-LMC applications, and treatment improvements. Conclusions: The intervention showed positive results for the upper limbs, with elements of discordance, expansion, and confirmation between qualitative and quantitative results.
Parkinson’s disease, Biomedical Technology, Biomedical Enhancement, Neurological, Rehabilitation, Mixed Methods Research Disease, Biomedical Technology, Biomedical Enhancement, Neurological Rehabilitation, Mixed Methods Research
Bibliographic citation
Sánchez-Herrera-Baeza P, Cano-de-la-Cuerda R, Oña-Simbaña ED, Palacios-Ceña D, Pérez-Corrales J, Cuenca-Zaldivar JN, Gueita-Rodriguez J, Balaguer-Bernaldo de Quirós C, Jardón-Huete A, Cuesta-Gomez A. The Impact of a Novel Immersive Virtual Reality Technology Associated with Serious Games in Parkinson’s Disease Patients on Upper Limb Rehabilitation: A Mixed Methods Intervention Study. Sensors. 2020; 20(8):2168.