Design tool to predict the open-hole failure strength of composite laminates subjected to in-plane loads

Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
A design tool based on Whitney-Nuismer model is proposed to predict the failure strength of open-hole composite plates subjected to in-plane loads, both tensile and compressive. One of the limitations of this model is the use of characteristic distances, which have to be estimated, and which are mostly considered constant material properties. In this work, it is demonstrated that these characteristic distances are a function of the plate geometry and are not a material property. Different analytical expressions are proposed to estimate the characteristic distances by using the results of only three experimental tests. This approach enables an accurate and fast estimation of the failure strength when the parameters of the plate are modified without using numerical simulations that require a longer time to be carried out.
Open hole, Notched compression, Notched tension, Non-dimensional model
Bibliographic citation
Composite Structures, (2020), (238), 111970.