Study of the trajectory of a Stratospheric Weather Balloon

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Weather scientific balloons allow for very little control over their trajectories. Although there exist systems to in uence the burst altitude of the balloons, their horizontal motion is almost solely dictated by the vagrancy of the wind. The precise forecast of balloon trajectories is thereby a topic of considerable importance to flight operations personnel, since launch/no-launch decisions must be made relying on the likelihood of the balloon landing in some undesirable location. Such concerns are specifically acute in areas with high population densities or prominent areas of restricted airspace, both of which are rather widespread in Madrid and surrounding areas. This paper aims to accurately present a general overview of stratospheric balloons, covering their functioning, main parameters, types and issues regarding envelopes' elasticity among others. The mathematical fundamentals of the dynamics of a balloon trajectory are also discussed, as well as the major already existing and self-developed software implementations to this day. Similarly, significant subjects concerning the obtaining of wind data models and the comparison among different predictive models are considered and examined. Last sections are devoted to regulatory and socioeconomic frameworks, including rough budget estimations and beneficial impacts. Likewise, a futuristic business and entrepreneurial vision of the project will be here presented.
Weather scientific balloons, Trajectory prediction, Balloon flight dynamics, Wind data source, Elastic behaviours, Softwares' comparison
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