Development of a bodyguard application in Android

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In this thesis it is going to be explained the process to develop a bodyguard application using Android. This application should be able of properly detecting whether the user is suffering a physical aggression or not and, if so, send an email alert to an emergency contact previously established. It will be also tried to extend the classification to additional movement patterns. For that, a first process involving the collection of the training samples will be performed. Once a proper dataset is obtained, different classifiers such as kNN, Multilayer Perceptron or Support Vector Machines will be explored to decide which one fits better to the activity recognition and, after that, a feature reduction process is applied to reduce the number of attributes in the classification with the purpose of making the application more efficient with respect to the number of calculations. Finally, an optimization of the selected classifiers comes to obtain the highest accuracy possible. In the end, it is obtained an Android application that properly differentiates between aggression and non-aggression movements and capable of sending the email alert when needed in a low amount of time.With respect to the classification of additional movement patterns, it was not achieve a high precission for all of the classifiers considered due to inaccuracy problems in the training data that will be explored in future works.
Development of applications, Android, Weka, Supervised learning, Multilayer Perceptron, kNN, Activity recognition
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