Obstacle alert and collision avoidance system development for UAVs with Pixhawk flight controller

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In recent years, the unmanned aerial vehicles sector has been characterized by its sharp growth, spreading its line of applications and becoming one of the cutting edge technologies in the world. However, this exponential advancement would have been even more extreme but for the restrictive existing legislation that limits its operations. That constraints imposed to drone operations are not legislated in vain. Specially in populated areas, flying drones is a dangerous service that entails risks for the safety of the population. Useless have been the attempts of many major online selling companies to make use of unmanned aerial vehicles serving as dealers of parcels. Further technology needs still to be implemented, for guarantying standards levels of safety in urban zones. This thesis aims to contribute to this required development of drone technology by proposing a preliminary collision avoidance system for unmanned aerial vehi- cles. The project involves assembling a flight-capable quadcopter from scratch and implementing the collision avoidance as an additional subsystem. To that end, a set of ultrasonic range finders are located around the quadcopter. Their acquired raw data is processed in an auxiliary arduino microcontroller board that send tra- jectory corrections to the flight controller of the quadcopter based on the distance information. As a result, a concept proof of an autonomous collision avoidance system is integrated into an unmanned aerial vehicle system. Results are obtained and consecutively analyzed based on ground and flight tests. For that purpose, the flight capabilities of the built quadcopter are proved, and aftewards, the collision avoidance is tested. Overall, the collision avoidance system e ectiveness was achieved. The collision avoidance work principle consisted on warding off from obstacles when detected. Major faced problems are related to stability recover after the collision is avoided. That problem was solved by proving different flight modes, but that issue needs future work to make the collision avoidance more reliable.
UAVs, Collision avoidance, Ultrasonic range finder, Arduino board, Pixhawk flight controller, Obstacle detection, Environment monitoring
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