Study of the expression of purinergic receptors by SPIM microscopy in a transgenic model

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The brain is the most important and complex organ in the body, so much so that, it is not known how it works exactly yet, making it appealing for researchers all over the world. The researchers are focusing their efforts in finding out how it works, developing new tools and techniques to reveal how the neurons interact and how the connection network between these neurons is distributed among the brain. Using several advances in science, such as transgenic animals or some new tools like the Single Plane Illumination Microscopy, new models can be made that enlighten these questions. Also taking advantage of the possibilities offered by the SPIM, being the 3D reconstruction of large portion of tissue its main utility, and with the help of techniques as the immunohistochemistry, it would ease a major understanding of the brain that could help in a better handling of vascular diseases. The project is framed under a multidisciplinary collaboration with several institutions. The global objective of the project is to develop new tools that improve the field of the computational systems inspired by the organization of the brain. In particular, new methodologies for the data acquisition are being used to define analytic models and simulations of the cerebral architecture from an anatomical and functional point of view in two different organizational levels, cerebral regions and neurons.
SPIM (Single Plane Illumination Microscopy), Cerebral regions and neurons, Organization of the brain
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