Deployment of a software infrastructure for Ecommerce and business analytics in a small business

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This project will be a simulation of a real business project that can be found in the enterprise world. We will create an Ecommerce framework for a fictional medium-sized company and we will connect it to a Business Intelligence & Data Visualization software in order to let the enterprise perform business analytics, see their current performance, and provide enough data to final users (e.g. CEOs) to let them to make better decisions. In order to do this project, we will first review the current possibilities to accomplish this type of project. Therefore, we will perform an analysis of the software being used in the market to decide the better one for a medium-sized business, accomplishing all the basic requirements it would need. So, we will do this analysis for the Ecommerce and Data Visualization software. And finally, we will study different solutions to post the shop on the web. For this last goal of posting the web online, we will use a server service that provides a set of instances that can be powerful enough to support an Ecommerce platform. The server service finally selected is Amazon Web Services. As Ecommerce platform, we will use Magento, an open source software, which has been leading the market of Ecommerce platforms for several years [1] [2]. Magento can be modified to create nearly any required feature (e.g. adding a contact section), and also, there is a huge community where other developers post their questions and/or solutions, solving problems, and of course implementing new functionalities. For the Data Visualization part, we will use one of the main leaders on this section: Tableau. It is a powerful tool mainly centralized in performing Visualization procedures. Although it is not open source, and therefore it is closed to its current features, it provides everything that is needed for this project. We will use their Student full version to simulate what would the purchased version provide. Then we will unify all these software elements so we can make business analysis with Tableau, using the information from Magento Ecommerce. We have investigated how to connect these two software frameworks, and also how to get the appropriate information to show in the Data Visualization app. Finally, with the information obtained from Magento, we will use Tableau and create example charts as an introduction to the potential reports, etc. we can create with a tool like Tableau. We will define the tasks and estimate a longitude of the project. Taking into account the tasks and the nature of the project, we will use as work methodology the Waterfall approach, performing only one delivery, as the requirements will not change during the course of the project, and therefore agile methods are not applicable. We will end with the conclusions extracted from the project and the future work that can be added to have a complete and more powerful solution.
Ecommerce, Business intelligence and data visualization software, Business analytics, Magento
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