Effects of air navigation tax dumping within the current European framework: implementation of a Dijkstra's algorithm for flight plan optimization in the European environment

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The planning of the flight route to be followed by each aircraft chartered is a relevant concern for airlines, as the efficiency of the calculated flight plan affects directly on operator's economical outcome. This efficiency can be assessed regarding different variables affecting the performance of the flight, as the distance own, the fuel consumed or the time spent, and in many cases, a balance between all of them that allows a economically profitable flight plan is difficult to be found. Therefore, the development of flight planning programs which are able to quantify the infl uence of each of these variables, and optimize the flight with respect to them, supposes a necessity to help airlines enhance its economical performance. The scope of this work is then directed to the implementation of a software which allows the creation and optimization of flight routes to offer the user the possibility of easing the flight planning process. For this purpose, the structure and utilisation of the airspace in the European airspace must be understood, as well as the procedures and limitations imposed by the air traffic management and control systems. Along the process, the trade-off complexity between the different variables determining the economical efficiency of the fl ight plan is going to be comprehended. The resulting flight planning program will be focused in offering a user- friendly environment which allows the quick and customized optimization of the desired ight plans. Through the solutions obtained from the program, it will be observed how optimizing with respect to some specific variables, like distance or time, yields immediate benefits directed to satisfy the user. Finally, the adjustment of the flight plans proposed to the applying airspace regulations is going to be studied and implemented. With this, the output of the program will comply with the actual air navigation structure, and will provide then effective solutions adapted to the current airspace situation.
Dijkstra's algorithm, Optimization of flight routes, European airspace, Tax dumping
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