Análisis e implementación de un jugador automático de póquer

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Games have always been used as research domains in Computer Science development in general, as well as in Arti cial Intelligence (AI) in particular. In this way, poker becomes a very interesting game, due to its common issues and characteristics with many other games and daily situations that are about to be solved such as the huge amount of states that can be faced, the imperfect nature of the information that we handle or the random element that needs to be taken into account. The purpose of this paper is developing an agent capable of accomplish an e cient poker game in its Texas Hold'em limit variety to submit it to the Annual Computer Poker Competition (ACPC), organized by the University of Alberta. To get to it, a study about the state of the art has been deeply done. It has shown the di erent perspectives from which the development of an automatic poker agent can be faced, as well as the advantages and disadvantages that each of them can hide. The next step on the project development is focused on the analysis, the design and implementation of a system that allows players creation and the study of their results when confronted on several hands. This process of agent construction until getting to the de nitive one is gradual and recurrent, obtaining along the way a huge amount of intermediate players with many di erent characteristics when playing. Apart from the development and creation of new algorithms, the main purpose of making poker agents is, beyond doubt, being able to calculate its capacities playing hands. The result section of this paper includes a large amount of assortment tests that can be used to quantify the output of all of the created players, also helping to determinate which of them is the best. The aforementioned agent will be chosen to face a human player and, that way, achieve one of the main purposes as much from this paper as from the development of intelligent systems for games: defeating professional poker players.
Inteligencia artificial, Algoritmos, Lógica difusa, Teoría de juegos
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