Aplicación gráfica para el cálculo del balance de enlace en redes VSAT

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This document contains a brief explanation of most important points involved in satellite communications, the particular characteristics for VSAT systems and a deep vision of a graphic application to evaluate them. This application allows to study any VSAT link budget according to the terminals and satellite parameters and characteristics. The main aim is to develop an useful tool for teaching and research at our University Carlos III. Researchers may find it useful to study VSAT systems deeply. The application is totally free, so they may have it and modify or add some code to make the tool evolve. Teachers may also use it to complete their explanations in class or to solve exercises. Even students may find it useful to study for the exams. These are the specifications for the app: - It must be able to evaluate any VSAT system quality. For that it is necessary to calculate every needed parameter. - To make easy its use, the intention is that it is as graphic and intuitive as possible. - Calculate link budget in a simulation of satellite communications with a VSAT terminal in motion around the world. This document is divided in six chapters. The first of them is an introduction, where it's given a non technical vision of the topic, and the objectives and planning appear. In the second one, some similar applications are exposed and compared with the developed one. The third one has two parts. First, satellite communications' clues are explained and then, main characteristics of VSAT systems are mentioned. After it, in fourth chapter it is explained how the application works. There are mentioned also its structure and some possible improvements. The next chapter is related with this one, so tool's results are compared with manual results. It means that some study cases are solved manually and with the tool and after it they are compared. The sixth and last chapter contains the conclusions obtained by doing this Final Thesis.
Comunicaciones vía satélite, Redes de comunicación, Satellite communications, Communication networks, VSAT systems
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