Comparison of finite element buckling solutions for flat plates under complex combined loading to analytical methods

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Since mid 30s (Theory of Elastic Stability, Timoshenko, 1936) up to now, buckling of plates subjected to in plane combined loadings has been a matter of concern for many investigators in structural engineering. When buckling occurs, there is a sudden change in deformation state, which occurs at the critical load. Being able to determine the critical stress for a given loading condition is of remarkable importance in aeronautical industry. There are some areas at which it is of paramount importance to know under which load the structure buckles, to design it appropriately. In some other areas, like the skins of aerodynamic surfaces, buckling needs to be avoided so as not to change the geometry of the aerodynamic surface. This phenomena occurs, among other structures, in plates, such as fuselage or wing skin panels. Those panels or sheets in the wing, fuselage or other parts are subjected to combination of complex loadings. For instance, the upper surface of an aircraft wing in flight may be subjected to combined shear and compressive stress. Wing panels are delimited by spanwise stiffeners and chordwise ribs. Note that the panels in the wing are not flat but slightly curved. The buckling load of those panels can be computed assuming they are flat, because it is a conservative estimate (curved panels have greater buckling loads). To solve flat plates buckling problems for different loadings and boundary conditions, currently two different methods are used; the analytical method and the Finite Element Method. This work will compare the flat plates combined loadings buckling results obtained analytically with those obtained from Finite Element Method.
Finite element method, Buckling load, Energy method
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