Synthesis and properties of well-defined polymer-grafted nanoparticles

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The addition of inorganic nanoparticles (mainly metals and metals oxides) to polymers causes changes in their properties and applications of both the nanoparticles and polymers. This thesis presents the design and synthesis of hybrid materials made out of alumina commercial nanoparticles (Aldrich, φ= 50 nm, provided by fabricant) with polysulfone chains (Aldrich, Mn= 16.000 g/mol and Mw= 32.000) grafted to alumina surface. These materials are commonly known by hairy nanoparticles (HNP) and are a kind of polymer brush. The polysulfone chains are grafted to the surface of the core nanoparticle by one ending. Two grafting methods are reviewed in this study (designed “Method A” and “Method B”), obtaining different grafting density σgraft, (low density in method A and high density in method B). Variation on σgraft gives different molecular structures from the layer, affecting the dispersion/aggregation of HNP in the matrix and so the properties of the final material. Once the HNP were synthesized and characterized, they were included in a polysulfone matrix at low load (1-5 % wt), studying the influence of the nanoparticles in the polymeric matrix. During the study the material was tested from different stages of synthesis to the final composite to evaluate its mechanical and thermal properties by diverse essays as TGA, DSC, F-TIR, DLS, Vickers hardness. Finally, the structure-behavior relation and its final properties were evaluated to determine its qualities and future applications, in different fields from optical, energetic and sensors to mechanic properties improvement. This work was developed within Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering’s Laboratories.
Hybrid materials, Polymers, Nanoparticles, Grafting, Composites, Alumina, Polysulfone, Materiales híbridos, Materiales compuestos, Polímeros, Aluminio
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