Some Experiments in Evaluating ASR Systems Applied to Multimedia Retrieval

Research Projects
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Journal Issue
This paper describes some tests performed on different types of voice/audio input applying three commercial speech recognition tools. Three multimedia retrieval scenarios are considered: a question answering system, an automatic transcription of audio from video files and a real-time captioning system used in the classroom for deaf students. A software tool, RET (Recognition Evaluation Tool), has been developed to test the output of commercial ASR systems.
Proceedings of: 7th International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR 2009). Took place 2009, September 24-25, in Madrid. The event Web site is
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Evaluation Measurements, audio transcription, voice interaction
Bibliographic citation
Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval. Understanding Media and Adapting to the User. LNCS 6535 (2009) pp. 12-23