Publication: Tortura y malos tratos en la España democrática
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Universitat de València
La tortura en la España contemporánea y democrática es una realidad preocupante, como lo muestran Informes de los más relevantes organismos internacionales en la lucha y prevención de la tortura, como el Comité Europeo para la Prevención de la tortura del Consejo de Europa, ONG, sentencias internas del Estado español y, gravemente, sentencias del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos. Estas condenas a España del TEDH se producen por la violación del artículo 3 del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, por no realizar de manera exhaustiva y adecuada las investigaciones ante denuncias por malos tratos y torturas, y la última condena también por tratos inhumanos. Realidades que ponen al desnudo graves situaciones que exigen respuestas democráticas urgentes con acciones políticas, jurídicas y sociales directas e inmediatas, que impliquen contundente rechazo a las mismas y condena a sus responsables.
Torture in contemporary and democratic Spain is a worrying reality, as shown by reports from the most relevant international organizations in the fight against and prevention of torture, such as the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture of the Council of Europe, NGO’s, internal Spanish judgments and, grievously, judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. These sentences of the ECHR have found violations of article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, for not carrying out exhaustively and adequately the investigations into complaints of ill-treatment and torture, and in one case for inhuman treatment. These serious facts demand urgent democratic responses with direct and immediate political, legal, and social actions that imply the forceful rejection of them and the condemn of those responsible.
Torture in contemporary and democratic Spain is a worrying reality, as shown by reports from the most relevant international organizations in the fight against and prevention of torture, such as the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture of the Council of Europe, NGO’s, internal Spanish judgments and, grievously, judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. These sentences of the ECHR have found violations of article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, for not carrying out exhaustively and adequately the investigations into complaints of ill-treatment and torture, and in one case for inhuman treatment. These serious facts demand urgent democratic responses with direct and immediate political, legal, and social actions that imply the forceful rejection of them and the condemn of those responsible.
Tortura, Malos tratos, Tratos inhumanos, Prevención de la tortura, TEDH, Impunidad, Torture, Ill-treatment, Inhuman treatment, Prevention of torture, ECHR, Impunity
Bibliographic citation
Ribotta, S. (2020). Tortura y malos tratos en la España democrática. Cuadernos electrónicos de filosfoía del derecho, 43, pp. 155-188