ATM Performance Assessment of Minimum Climate Impact Trajectories in the European Airspace

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Nowadays global warming represents an inescapable problem for human being life and entire globe. Nations from all around the planet are aware of the so called greenhouse gas emission that they are taking measurements in order to reduce the environmental impact. At the beginning, it was considered CO2 as the key agent, later emission reduction was focused on NOx. Currently, scientists state that persistent contrails have a nonnegligible impact in global warming. This thesis present a study were ATM performance parameters are studied, such as fuel consumption, confl ict, number of aircraft movements, flight time. In order to perform the analysis, four air traffic fl ow scenarios have been designed and simulated with TAAM, which is is a software developed by the Jeppesen Boing Company being capable of modelling air traffic and airspace. The four case studies correspond to the same low traffic day where horizontal profiles are computed as orthodromic routes between each origin and destination. The simulated scenarios are the following: Flight Plan Case (actual navigation procedure), Aircraft Ceiling Case (cruise FL at constant operational ceiling), Minimum Climate Impact Case (prevents contrail formation by fl ying at lower FL) and Optimal Profile Case (maximizes the position altitude by fly ing at continuously climbing at cruise phase).
Astronautics, Aircraft propulsion, Efficiency, Atmosphere, Contrails
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