Digital teaching materials and their relationship with the metacognitive skills of students in primary education

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Metacognition is a construct that is noteworthy for its relationship with the prediction and enhancement of student performance. It is of interest in education, as well as in the field of cognitive psychology, because it contributes to competencies, such as learning to learn and the understanding of information. This study conducted research at a state school in the Community of Madrid (Spain) with a sample of 130 students in Grade 3 of their primary education (8 years old). The research involved the use of a digital teaching platform called Smile and Learn, as the feedback included in the digital activities may have an effect on students' metacognition. We analyzed the implementation of the intelligent platform at school and the activities most commonly engaged in. The Junior Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (Jr. MAI) was the measuring instrument chosen for the external evaluation of metacognition. The study's results show a higher use of logic and spatial activities. A relationship is observed between the use of digital exercises that have specific feedback and work on logic and visuospatial skills with metacognitive knowledge. We discuss our findings surrounding educational implications, metacognition assessment, and recommendations for improvements of the digital materials.
Feedback, Metacognition, Digital material, Educational technology, Primary education, User experience research (uxr)
Bibliographic citation
Nieto-Márquez, N. L., Baldominos, A., & Pérez Nieto, M. Á. (2020). Digital teaching materials and their relationship with the metacognitive skills of students in primary education. Education Sciences, 10(4), 113.