Automatization of a Flame Propagation Experimental Setup using LabVIEW

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The present dissertation aims at automating the propagation of a premixed flame in a quasi-bidimensional geometry using as a combustion chamber a Hele-Shaw cell. This project is carried out by the Thermal and Fluids Engineering Department of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. The work done explained in this document includes the synchronization of a high-speed camera recording the flame front as it advances through the cell (at a rate of 1000 frames per second), with a DAQ charge amplifier which collects pressure and acceleration signals provided by sensors distributed along the cell domain, with the objective of relating each pair of data with a real image so as to characterize the flame. Also, the control of all the gases participating in the experiment (methane is used as fuel, and air as oxidant), as well as the mechanisms used to ignite the mixture are incorporated. Finally, the process by which the pneumatic actuators open and close both ends of the combustion chamber has been achieved to be automatic. All this automatization is accomplished using the software LabVIEW. Lastly, a verification of the program is presented where three different cases (with different equivalent ratios) are analyzed and compared with previous studies, providing as a result the right functioning of the code and thus, its validation. For this task, a MatLab code is needed to undertake the image processing procedure in order to convert the pictures taken by the camera into useful data employed for the calculation of the flame front velocity.
Automation, Hele-Shaw cell, Premixed flame, LabVIEW, Instabilities
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