Publication: La defensa basada en la repercusión del daño (passing-on) causado por infracciones del derecho de la competencia
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Universitat Pompeu Fabra
El sobreprecio causado por las infracciones del Derecho de la competencia puede ser total o parcialmente repercutido hasta puntos muy distantes de la cadena de producción o distribución, propagando el daño incluso a mercados diferentes del afectado directamente por aquéllas. De ahí que, de acuerdo con lo previsto en la Directiva de Daños, en la Ley de Defensa de la Competencia se establece ahora que, cuando el perjudicado "haya reducido su daño emergente repercutiéndolo, total o parcialmente, a sus propios compradores, la pérdida repercutida ya no constituye un perjuicio por el que la parte que lorepercutió deba ser resarcida. Por consiguiente, en principio convieneautorizar al infractor a que invoque la repercusión del daño emergente comodefensa frente a una reclamación de daños y perjuicios." El objeto de estetrabajo es examinar los requisitos exigibles para la aplicación de dicha defensa, analizando las consecuencias de su carácter de norma especial, las exigencias del principio de efectividad sobre su existencia y alcance, así como los problemas de prueba que plantea.
The overcharge caused by the infringements of competition law can be totally or partially passed on to points far away from the production or distribution chain, spreading the damage even to markets other than the one directly affected by them. Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of the Damages Directive, the Spanish Antitrust Act now provides that, when an injured party “has reduced its actual loss by passing it on to its own purchasers, the loss which has been passed on no longer constitutes harm for which the party that passed it on needs to be compensated. It is therefore in principle appropriate to allow an infringer to invoke the passing-on of actual loss as a defence against a claim for damages.” The purpose of this paper is to examine the requirements for the application of such defense, analyzing the consequences of its character as a special rule, the requirements of the principle of effectiveness on its existence and scope, as well as the problems of evidence it raises.
The overcharge caused by the infringements of competition law can be totally or partially passed on to points far away from the production or distribution chain, spreading the damage even to markets other than the one directly affected by them. Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of the Damages Directive, the Spanish Antitrust Act now provides that, when an injured party “has reduced its actual loss by passing it on to its own purchasers, the loss which has been passed on no longer constitutes harm for which the party that passed it on needs to be compensated. It is therefore in principle appropriate to allow an infringer to invoke the passing-on of actual loss as a defence against a claim for damages.” The purpose of this paper is to examine the requirements for the application of such defense, analyzing the consequences of its character as a special rule, the requirements of the principle of effectiveness on its existence and scope, as well as the problems of evidence it raises.
Defensa de la competencia, Daños y perjuicios, Repercusión del sobreprecio, Relación de causalidad, Carga de la prueba, Competition law, Damages, Passing-on, Causal relationship, Burden of proof
Bibliographic citation
Robles Martín-Laborda,A. (2021).La defensa basada en la repercusión del daño (passing-on) causado por infracciones del derecho de la competencia». InDret, 1, pp. 1-45.