Realidad virtual aplicada a la rehabilitación física

dc.contributor.advisorBaldominos Gómez, Alejandro
dc.contributor.advisorSáez Achaerandio, Yago
dc.contributor.authorAguado Fidalgo, Carlos Andrés
dc.contributor.departamentoUC3M. Departamento de Informáticaes
dc.description.abstractEn este trabajo de fin de grado se ha desarrollado un videojuego implementado en realidad virtual que permite la correcta rehabilitación de una lesión en el hombro de un paciente. La utilización del sistema por parte del usuario final se realiza mediante el uso de unas gafas de Realidad virtual como son las Oculus Rift. El uso de este dispositivo permitirá al usuario final una mayor inmersión en el videojuego desarrollado, mientras se realizan de forma cómoda y entretenida, los ejercicios de rehabilitación de su lesión. Adicionalmente al uso del dispositivo de realidad virtual, existirá también una cámara capaz de obtener el esqueleto del usuario final, que será la encargada de realizar el tracking de los movimientos. Por último, existirá un servidor, que será el encargado de ejecutar el videojuego, obtener y procesar los movimientos del usuario final, y puntuar la realización de los movimientos del usuario final. La funcionalidad final del sistema permitirá la correcta rehabilitación de una lesión del manguito rotador de forma más amena y sencilla para el usuario final. El sistema incorporará adicionalmente una sesión sin supervisión del videojuego, realizando todo el proceso de forma automá
dc.description.abstractIn the recent years, a branch of technology has greatly increased the expectation. This technology blurs the line between the real and the virtual, immersing the user in a virtual world that the senses perceive as real. I am talking abour virtual reality At present, it is unclear what and where are the limits of this technology, or what can be achieved in a next years, as large technology companies, such as Facebook, are investing large amounts of money on this technology. The possibilities of virtual reality are limitless, and can be implemented in any type of industry or area obtaining benefits never seen before. There are sectors such as education, the military or aviation using this type of technology to enhance the skills of their employees. In the military or aviation sectors, this technology allows employees to face real situations in a virtual world, and, if this situation occurs in the real world, they know perfectly how to react. Simple simulations flight or infiltration missions acquire a greater degree of immersion thanks to virtual reality. However, one of the sectors where it is more widespread use of virtual reality is the health sector. The health sector is probably the sector that incorporates and advances as technology advances, implementing many features in their field. Experts use for decades virtual reality for performing simulations or actual surgery. Moreover, in recent years, thanks to the launch of virtual reality for common users, this sector is incorporating this devices for their patients, like the use of virtual reality in the patient while the surgeon is practicing a surgery is now a true story. The project to be developed, is to use a virtual reality video game with the purpose of using this system during a patient rehabilitation. The complete rehabilitation of a body part, involves not only the treaty by physiotherapists in the affected area, but also to perform of specific exercises by the end user independently to obtain the strength and flexibility loss of a muscle after injury. Most patients do not perform the exercises correctly, positioning badly the body and rotating incorrectly the injured part. The virtual reality system will help patients to successfully perform specific movements, thereby increasing the level of rehabilitation. This paper presents a virtual reality game that captures the movements of the patient and evaluates depending on the movement to be performed in one session. The proposed game is a football field in which the patient will play the role of goalkeeper, stopping balls fired if the patient perform properly the specific movements of a
dc.description.degreeIngeniería Informáticaes
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España*
dc.rights.accessRightsopen accesses
dc.subject.otherRealidad virtuales
dc.subject.otherRehabilitación físicaes
dc.subject.otherDiseño de softwarees
dc.titleRealidad virtual aplicada a la rehabilitación físicaes
dc.typebachelor thesis*
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