Comparativa de prestaciones y rendimiento entre MATLAB y LabVIEW para entornos de comunicaciones

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Este Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) se ha realizado con la idea de establecer una comparación profunda entre dos entornos de programación comúnmente utilizados: MATLAB y LabVIEW. En el campo de la ingeniería es necesario recurrir de forma constante a herramientas que nos permitan hacer cálculos y operaciones matemáticas de forma automática que serían prácticamente inabarcables de forma escrita. Actualmente existe una gran variedad de herramientas accesibles para todo tipo de aplicaciones, algunas de ellas gratuitas y otras con un coste de licencia. Muchas de estas herramientas son válidas para el desarrollo concreto de una misma tarea, y es ahí donde aparece la comparación, puesto que finalmente se debe elegir una para la realización del trabajo. MATLAB y LabVIEW son dos entornos, que con sus respectivos lenguajes, permiten el cálculo algebraico y muchos tipos de simulaciones basadas en operaciones vectoriales y matriciales. Para establecer una comparación entre ellos, y concluir cuales son las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno, se han realizado 4 pruebas y se han medido los tiempos de ejecución. Además, se han observado otros factores como la accesibilidad del código necesario, la interfaz de trabajo y otras limitaciones en cada uno de los entornos. Las 4 pruebas han sido: operaciones con matrices, transformada de Fourier, convolución de señales y simulación de un sistema de transmisión y recepción. Con los datos recopilados, se ha concluido cuáles son las virtudes y cuáles los puntos débiles de cada una de las herramientas, con el objetivo de facilitar la elección a la persona que lea este trabajo.
This project is a comparison between two well-known simulations programs, MATLAB and LabVIEW, and the main goal is to decide which one has a better performance during the simulations cases we have proposed. And not only that but remarking the positive and negative aspects of each programming environment. The first step when we decided to start this comparation was to begin studying and reading all about these two programs. In university I had worked previously with MATLAB in many subjects that we have to simulate some exercise or some theory concepts than we had seen in class before. That was not the case for LabVIEW, a program which I did not even know before I had started this work. So, at this point I had to read and practice more with this tool than the other one. After this first approach to these two programming languages, I have started to look for some other investigations that might go on the same direction as mine. This was very useful for me, in order to realize way would be the best to face this comparison. I found an interesting article from an engineering university in Rumania that was basically stablishing the same comparation as we pretend to do, so I have taken some good ideas from this article and I try to use them in my one way. I have explained this in detail in chapter number 2 when I talk about previous studies on the matter. With all this information in my hand, I started to design the different simulations taking into account that I have to check different capabilities from both tools, at the end we decided to do 4 computations: Matrix multiplication, both complex and real matrix. Fast Fourier Transform of a sine waveform with and without Gaussian noise added. Convolution of two random vectors. Communication system transmission and reception of and digital signal. After designing these tests, I had to convert them in real proper code for both languages, graphical for LabVIEW and classical written line code for MATLAB, so I started developing every simulation code. Once we have the code ready, we stablish a protocol for simulations and data collect. This protocol basically consists on doing each simulation case separately, iterate 10 times in order to obtain 10 process time values and after finishing every test in each program, restart the computer to have similar conditions in every simulation. With all the data collected we could start to analyse the results from all the study cases. In each computation test we had different results, but in the end, they all show a kind of pattern. In the conclusions chapter it is widely explained, so I will resume the main conclusions here...
MATLAB, LabVIEW, Ingeniería de software, Lenguajes de programación
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