Publication: A lei nº 13.303/2016 e o moderno controle das empresas estatais
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O controle das empresas estatais em sua acepção do Direito Administrativo, uma vez que também possuem controle no que concerne ao Direito Societário, é realizado através de um abrangente leque de mecanismos de controle interno (autocontrole, tutela administrativa, auditoria, ouvidoria, comissão de ética etc.), controle externo (Tribunal de Contas da União, Poder Legislativo, Ministério Público), além do controle jurisdicional, exercido pelo Poder Judiciário, de modo que todos buscam, de certa maneira, atingir o mesmo objetivo, qual seja, acompanhar, fiscalizar, verificar a conformidade dos atos praticados e atividades realizadas, tanto no que diz respeito aos critérios de oportunidade e conveniência quanto aos limites impostos pela legalidade (ampla e estrita). Neste sentido, as empresas estatais são controladas por um sistema composto por bases controladoras diversas, visando abranger a maior quantidade de atos praticados e, inobstante a existência de numerosos meios de fiscalização e rígido controle dirigido às estatais, os recentes casos de corrupção decorrentes de gestões temerárias fomentaram a edição da Lei n.º 13.303/16, para que, cumprindo o que determina o artigo 173, §1° da Constituição Federal, sirva como mais um instrumento de monitoramento e combate à improbidade administrativa e corrupção, grandes males que ainda precisam ser combatidos na Administração Pública. A Lei em comento traz uma série de inovações em questões societárias, governança, integridade à gestão administrativa e transparência, além de instituir um novo regime de licitações e contratos administrativos. Especificamente em relação ao tema em estudo, criou o Comitê de Auditoria Estatutário como espécie de controle interno, majorou as intervenções que podem ser realizadas dentro do procedimento de regulação já existente, permitindo, inclusive, acesso a documentos classificados como sigilosos pelas estatais e inovou, no sentido de inserir, de forma muito clara, o controle e fiscalização por parte da sociedade. Com fulcro em atender ao princípio constitucional da publicidade, insculpido no artigo 37 da Carta Magna, a Lei determinou que as estatais disponibilizem, para conhecimento público, por meio eletrônico, informação mensalmente atualizada e completa sobre a execução de seus contratos e de seu orçamento, outorgando, portanto, efetividade ao controle social por ela instituído e expressamente previsto. Percebe-se, destarte, que o controle administrativo das estatais é matéria atual que ainda apresenta desafios a superar no Estado de Direito, porém, a sociedade civil e o legislador estão atentos a tais entraves e buscam soluções contemporâneas para fiscalizar os atos e a gestão das empresas estatais, objetivando garantir uma eficiente prestação dos serviços públicos.
The control of state-owned enterprises in the sense of Administrative Law, since they also have control in concern to the Brazilian Corporate Law, is performed through a wide range of internal control mechanisms (self-control, administrative supervision, audit, ombudsman´s office, ethics committee, etc), external control (Court of Audit of the Union, Legislative Branch, Public Prosecutor's Office), and also judicial control, exercised by the Judiciary; And all seek, in a certain way, to achieve the same objective, which is to monitor, supervise, verify the conformity of the acts practiced and activities performed, both regards to the criteria of opportunity and convenience, and to the limits set by law (broad and strict). In this sense, state-owned enterprises are controlled by a system composed of several controlling bases, aiming to cover the greater number of acts practiced, but despite the existence of a number of means of supervision and rigid control directed to state, recent cases of corruption resulting from reckless management promoted the edition of the law 13.303, dated June 30rd, 2016, that provides for the legal status of the public company, the joint stock company and its subsidiaries, within the framework of the Union, the Federal District and Municipalities, so that, in compliance with the provisions of article 173, first paragraph of the Federal Constitution, serves as another tool for monitoring and combating administrative misconduct and corruption, great evils that still need to be addressed in the Public Administration. The Law in question brings a series of innovations in corporate issues, governance, integrity to administrative management and transparency, as well as establishing a new system of bids and administrative contracts. Specifically about the subject under study, it created the Statutory Audit Committee as a kind of internal control, increased the interventions that can be carried out within the existing regulation procedure, allowing, even, access to documents classified as confidential by the state, and innovated by inserting, in a very clear way, the control and inspection by the society. With the purpose of complying with the constitutional principle of publicity, inscribed in Article 37 of the Constitution, the Law determined that state-owned companies should make publicly available, by electronic means, monthly updated and complete information on the execution of their contracts and their budget, granting, therefore, effectiveness to the instituted social and expressly foreseen control. It´s noticed, however, that the administrative control of state-owned enterprises is a current issue that still presents challenges to be overcome in the rule of law, but civil society and the legislator are attentive to such obstacles and seek contemporary solutions to control acts and management of state-owned enterprises with the aim of guaranteeing the efficient provision of public services.
The control of state-owned enterprises in the sense of Administrative Law, since they also have control in concern to the Brazilian Corporate Law, is performed through a wide range of internal control mechanisms (self-control, administrative supervision, audit, ombudsman´s office, ethics committee, etc), external control (Court of Audit of the Union, Legislative Branch, Public Prosecutor's Office), and also judicial control, exercised by the Judiciary; And all seek, in a certain way, to achieve the same objective, which is to monitor, supervise, verify the conformity of the acts practiced and activities performed, both regards to the criteria of opportunity and convenience, and to the limits set by law (broad and strict). In this sense, state-owned enterprises are controlled by a system composed of several controlling bases, aiming to cover the greater number of acts practiced, but despite the existence of a number of means of supervision and rigid control directed to state, recent cases of corruption resulting from reckless management promoted the edition of the law 13.303, dated June 30rd, 2016, that provides for the legal status of the public company, the joint stock company and its subsidiaries, within the framework of the Union, the Federal District and Municipalities, so that, in compliance with the provisions of article 173, first paragraph of the Federal Constitution, serves as another tool for monitoring and combating administrative misconduct and corruption, great evils that still need to be addressed in the Public Administration. The Law in question brings a series of innovations in corporate issues, governance, integrity to administrative management and transparency, as well as establishing a new system of bids and administrative contracts. Specifically about the subject under study, it created the Statutory Audit Committee as a kind of internal control, increased the interventions that can be carried out within the existing regulation procedure, allowing, even, access to documents classified as confidential by the state, and innovated by inserting, in a very clear way, the control and inspection by the society. With the purpose of complying with the constitutional principle of publicity, inscribed in Article 37 of the Constitution, the Law determined that state-owned companies should make publicly available, by electronic means, monthly updated and complete information on the execution of their contracts and their budget, granting, therefore, effectiveness to the instituted social and expressly foreseen control. It´s noticed, however, that the administrative control of state-owned enterprises is a current issue that still presents challenges to be overcome in the rule of law, but civil society and the legislator are attentive to such obstacles and seek contemporary solutions to control acts and management of state-owned enterprises with the aim of guaranteeing the efficient provision of public services.
Comunicación presentada en el Seminario Internacional en Cultura de la Legalidad: Los desafíos del Estado de Derecho en el siglo XXI, celebrado en Getafe (Madrid) el 13 de febrero de 2017 y organizado por el Grupo de Investigación sobre el Derecho y la Justicia (GIDYJ) de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Direito Administrativo, Controle, Empresas estatais, Administrative Law, Control, State-owned enterprises