Analysis of composite laminate plates subjected to ballistic impact

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During many years and still nowadays, ballistic impacts are an important field of study. In a world in which every year the air transport demand increases linearly, major aerospace companies focus their efforts in developing the next generation of aircrafts with materials harder and resistant to almost any type of impact, making them also aerodynamically more efficient and the most lightweight as possible. And those materials that are fulfilling those requirements and still have enough potential to success are composite materials. The main objective of this paper is to describe in detail the analysis performed to a composite laminate plate which is subjected to different ballistic impacts. By doing this and for the ease of comprehension, the project will be divided into several parts. Firstly it will be described what is and how behaves a composite material and speciffically the type used for this analysis which is a laminate composite. To perform the ballistic process, the computational finite element program LS- Dyna® will be utilized to model all the scenarios subjected to analyze. However, before doing the expected cases, it will be described a sensitivity analysis in which all the features and tools used to generate an e cient and realistic ballistic impact will be introduced. Several trials will be evaluated and compared with experimental data to select the best case which will be used onwards on the project. After that, the cases to be analyzed will be described. The selected laminate composite plate will be subjected to a variation in geometry, thickness, boundary conditions and mechanical properties under the same type of ballistic impacts. The analysis of the results will be based on one important failure mode which is crucial in the analysis of composite materials, the delamination produced. Moreover, it will be studied also the residual velocity displayed after the impact. Finally, last chapters of the project will be devoted to the regulatory framework involved throughout this analysis, the socio-economic impact that this type of study and analysis of composite materials provokes in the real life and the estimation of the budget that this project would generate.
Composite materials, Laminate plates, Impact, Delamination, Residual velocity, Delaminated area
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