Formal application of the Business Model Canvas in Software Requirements Engineering

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Software Requirement Engineering is a vital component of developing a new service or product. Even though there are numerous techniques and some common practices on how to effectively establish the requirements, there are still many disadvantages the trip the analysts and developers on the way of executing a correct timeline, cost and resource estimations for a project, which, with the fast moving market and the new emerging technologies, more than often ends up failing. This fast-moving market is largely represented by startup companies, which have taken a swing at many industries and well-established companies with outdated and slow organizational structure and, therefore, not very susceptible to change. Startup companies have for many years relayed on the Business Model Canvas tool to identify their strategy and to help them penetrate the market more efficiently. However, the Business Model Canvas has its own drawback, being a very static tool that cannot keep up with the entrepreneurial pace of work. The proposed conceptual model of a new tool called TBKOT aims to help technological startup companies to establish their business strategy and reach their Minimal Value Product faster and in a more efficient way. This would accelerate their time to market and, consequently, result in more competitive advantages. TBKOT combines different well-established tools like the Business Canvas Model, the Kanban and architectural modelling, and with the help of Artificial Intelligence Watson tools, it delivers a service that gives tech startups the capacity to establish their business in shorter time and fewer steps.
Software engineering, Business Model Canvas, Requirements engineering, Startup, Business models, Requirement elicitation
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