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  • Publication
    Oferta de emprego: habilidades necessárias para Arquivistas em empresas no Brasil
    (Universidade Estadual de Londrina, 2018-02-01) Dos Santos Bahia Jacintho, Eliana Maria; Moreiro González, José Antonio
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    Conjuras, concubinas y lucha por las rentas en la diócesis de Segovia del siglo XIII
    (Universidad de Valladolid, 2018-12-01) Juárez Valero, Eduardo
    Durante la primera mitad del siglo XIII, los integrantes de la diócesis de Segovia, obispo y clerecía, se enfrentaron en una lucha sin solución que tenía como centro el reparto de las rentas asociadas a la diócesis. Sin embargo, la documentación existente en los archivos de la Catedral y de la diócesis de Segovia demuestra que el enfrentamiento iba más allá de una disputa económica local asociada al ámbito jurisdiccional, trascendiendo a las relaciones sociales del clero segoviano y a la mentalidad unida a las mismas.
  • Publication
    Plots, Concubines and Fight for Income in the Diocese of Segovia during the Thirteenth Century
    (Universidad de Valladolid, 2018-01-01) Juárez Valero, Eduardo
    During the first half of the thirteenth century, the members of the Diocese of Segovia, bishop and clergy, clashed in a fight without solution that revolved around the distribution of income coming from the ecclesiastical dominion. However, the documents extant in the Archives of the Cathedral and of the Diocese of Segovia show that the confrontation went beyond a local economic dispute relating the jurisdictional sphere, and transcended to the social relations of the Segovian clergy and the mentality attached to them.
  • Publication
    Sentiment analysis and emotion understanding during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain and its impact on digital ecosystems.
    (MDPI, 2020-07-31) De las Heras Pedrosa, Carlos; Sánchez-Núñez, Pablo; Peláez, José Ignacio
    COVID-19 has changed our lives forever. The world we knew until now has been transformed and nowadays we live in a completely new scenario in a perpetual restructuring transition, in which the way we live, relate, and communicate with others has been altered permanently. Within this context, risk communication is playing a decisive role when informing, transmitting, and channeling the flow of information in society. COVID-19 has posed a real pandemic risk management challenge in terms of impact, preparedness, response, and mitigation by governments, health organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), mass media, and stakeholders. In this study, we monitored the digital ecosystems during March and April 2020, and we obtained a sample of 106,261 communications through the analysis of APIs and Web Scraping techniques. This study examines how social media has affected risk communication in uncertain contexts and its impact on the emotions and sentiments derived from the semantic analysis in Spanish society during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Publication
    Tax regulation on blockchain and cryptocurrency: the implications for Open Innovation
    (Elsevier, 2021-03-16) Peláez-Repiso, Andrea; Sánchez-Núñez, Pablo; García Calvente, Yolanda
    Blockchain is a technology that will change the relationships between the different actors in society, individuals, companies and administration, in aspects as important as taxation, by implementing concepts such as Self-sovereign identity (SSI) and Smart Contracts; which support, for example, virtual currencies, that are not controlled by any state, financial institution or centralized company. Hence, the growing interest of researchers, investors, traders, marketers, enterprises, and administrations to know the scope of this new technology and its tax implications. The main objective of this work is to clarify the status of these studies, explore issues, methods, findings, and trends as well as to define their meaning within the current research scenario. To achieve these objectives, bibliometric analysis was carried out, retrieving 349 research papers, and analyzing 343 papers published between 2015–2019 based on the results of the Web of Science (WoS).
  • Publication
    Impact of visual design elements and principles in human electroencephalogram brain activity assessed with spectral methods and convolutional neural networks
    (MDPI, 2021-07-09) Cabrera, Francisco E.; Sánchez-Núñez, Pablo; Vaccaro, Gustavo; Peláez, José Ignacio; Escudero, Javier
    The visual design elements and principles (VDEPs) can trigger behavioural changes and emotions in the viewer, but their effects on brain activity are not clearly understood. In this paper, we explore the relationships between brain activity and colour (cold/warm), light (dark/bright), movement (fast/slow), and balance (symmetrical/asymmetrical) VDEPs. We used the public DEAP dataset with the electroencephalogram signals of 32 participants recorded while watching music videos. The characteristic VDEPs for each second of the videos were manually tagged for by a team of two visual communication experts. Results show that variations in the light/value, rhythm/movement, and balance in the music video sequences produce a statistically significant effect over the mean absolute power of the Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma EEG bands (p < 0.05). Furthermore, we trained a Convolutional Neural Network that successfully predicts the VDEP of a video fragment solely by the EEG signal of the viewer with an accuracy ranging from 0.7447 for Colour VDEP to 0.9685 for Movement VDEP. Our work shows evidence that VDEPs affect brain activity in a variety of distinguishable ways and that a deep learning classifier can infer visual VDEP properties of the videos from EEG activity.
  • Publication
    Bibliometrics evaluation of scientific journals and country research output of dental research in Latin America using Scimago Journal and Country Rank
    (MDPI, 2022-08-04) Vaccaro, Gustavo; Sánchez-Núñez, Pablo; Witt-Rodríguez, Patricia
    Innovations in dental sciences are potentially disruptive; however, the language barrier in the case of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) limits access to scientific studies. There is a necessity to measure the development of dental research across the LAC region, where economic power and postgraduate education access vary significantly. This article aims to analyze documents, citations, and journals and compare the SJR, H-Index, citation rates, and Co-occurrence Networks (Keywords) between dental journals published in LAC and the rest of the world, according to the report of Scimago Journal and Country Rank, between the years 1996 and 2020. Results show that Brazil leads dental research in the LAC, scoring the highest number of published documents, citations, and SJR metrics. The mean H-index and SJR of LAC dentistry journals are significantly lower than those of other regions (p 0.15). This suggests that the articles published in dentistry journals from LAC are being cited in similar proportions to the journals of other regions, but a large portion of these citations came from publications with low scientific impact.
  • Publication
    Mapping open science at Spanish universities. Analysis of higher education systems
    (El Profesional de la información, 2023-07-03) Filippo, Daniela Alejandra de; Lascuraín Sánchez, María Luisa
    This study analyzes the implementation of open science in Spanish universities considering four perspectives: (i) regula-tions, policies, and strategies; (ii) knowledge production; (iii) research results; and (iv) perception by different academic actors. A qualitative and quantitative methodology is applied, drawing information from university websites, institutional reports, European project databases (Cordis), the Web of Science database, surveys of teaching and research staff, and surveys of vice-rectors and library directors. The information is grouped into regional university systems, according to the autonomous community to which each university belongs, and is analyzed on that basis. The results of the quantitative study show increasing interest in open-science activities, expressed as a growing number of publications, and an increase in participation, leadership, and funding in European projects. Institutional policies and regulations on open science, on the other hand, are few and focus almost exclusively on open access. The development of institutional repositories is one of the great achievements of the Spanish university system, and open-access publishing (mainly green open access) has grown considerably in the last decade. Teaching and research staff are not knowledgeable about open science, although in general they take a positive view toward it, while university policymakers report that most actions to promote open science are still in the process of being implemented. The results reveal heterogeneity among the various institutions' practices and implementation. As a regional system, the Catalonian university system stands out above the rest for its degree of open-science policy development and implementation and for its intense research activity in the field of open science.
  • Publication
    Rankings universiários e o desafio para as uuniversidades brasilerias
    (2018-09-01) De Souza Vanz, Samile Andrea; Pandiella Dominique, Andres; Lascuraín Sánchez, María Luisa; Sanz Casado, Elías
    Abstract: Os rankings universitários ganharam importância no cenário nacional e internacional e constituem um dos instrumentos de análise do desempenho das universidades. Esta pesquisa analisa o desempenho de 29 universidades brasileiras classificadas nos rankings Leiden, Shanghai, QS e THE. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o desempenho das universidades brasileiras é muito bom, especialmente no que diz respeito ao volume de produção científica, no entanto, o impacto, medido pelas citações recebidas, ainda constitui um grande desafio. O volume de publicações nas revistas Nature e Science, assim como a ampliação da colaboração internacional, são estratégias que podem ampliar o impacto e abrir caminho para o alcance de melhores posições nestes rankings.
  • Publication
    La misión en las bibliotecas nacionales europeas. Análisis y pertinencia Mission statements in European national libraries. Analysis and relevance
    (CSIC, 2018-12-01) Pacios Lozano, Ana Reyes; Perez Piriz, Maria
    This work analyses the published mission statements from 28 European national libraries on their websites. The aim was to determine the degree of implementation and dissemination of the texts defining the essential nature of those organisations, as well as any convergence/divergence among them. The methodology used includes the search and reviewing of the mission statements published on the websites of the national libraries in 49 European countries, their analysis according to criteria of location and presence of features proposed by experts for the writing of this type of documents and, finally, the evaluation of the results. This analysis revealed that the national libraries show a clear interest in publicising their mission, which in most cases address the most relevant aspects of their purpose, although this not always translates into a relevant statement, both in content and drafting. Convergence among all the statements analysed has to do with the safeguard of the patrimony, its conservation and preservation.
  • Publication
    Biblioteca y empoderamiento: servicios innovadores en un entorno de crisis
    (CSIC, 2018-06-30) Caridad Sebastián, Mercedes; García López, Fátima; Martínez Cardama, Sara; Morales García, Ana María
    El presente trabajo analiza el papel de las bibliotecas públicas para fomentar el empoderamiento individual y co-lectivo de acuerdo a las líneas de actuación del nuevo modelo de biblioteca que propugnan las directrices de organismos inter-nacionales y estudios de tendencias. Estas iniciativas promueven, entre otras, la configuración del espacio bibliotecario como un «ágora» o «tercer lugar», acciones orientadas a fomentar la capacidad creativa y nuevos modelos de aprendizaje, así como herramientas tecnológicas para la economía social y compartida. El objetivo último es evaluar el grado de implantación de estos servicios innovadores en la Red de las Bibliotecas Públicas del Estado (España) compuesta por 53 entidades, subrayando aque-llas iniciativas paradigmáticas. Los datos para el estudio se han obtenido de la aportación de los propios responsables de los centros. Como instrumento de recogida de datos se diseñó un cuestionario 'ad hoc” que fue complementado posteriormente con entrevistas personales y consultas a sus páginas web. La tasa de respuesta obtenida ha sido del 73,3% (41), una muestra bas-tante significativa que permite una visión global del desarrollo de estos servicios. Los resultados muestran que, si bien las biblio-tecas han comenzado a prestar muchos de los servicios que las nuevas realidades sociales demandan, como la formación para la búsqueda de empleo y formación en competencias TIC, otros, más innovadores, como el uso de herramientas de fabricación digital o la transformación del espacio en lugares de colaboración y coworking, todavía se prestan de manera muy minoritaria
  • Publication
    Publications during COVID-19 times: An unexpected overall increase
    (Elsevier, 2023-11-01) Rousseau, Roland; Garcia Zorita, Jose Carlos; Sanz Casado, Elias
    The goal of this investigation is to find out the role of external influences, such as COVID-19, on research production. We used the Web of Science to collect data and compared expected data, based on past performance, with actually observed data. We observed that the number of articles and reviews, published in 2021, has increased, even more than we expected. This increase is the largest for the broad category of life sciences and biomedicine. We studied this issue also for the USA and China separately and for the collaboration between these two countries. Here, we observed a huge decline in the collaboration between China and the USA. This observation points to another external influence on research productivity, namely geopolitical tensions that arose between these two research giants. We consider our study as a contribution to the science of science. Major limitations are the facts that we only used one database, restricted ourselves to normal articles and reviews, using whole counting, and studying one particular year.
  • Publication
    Evolution of marijuana research at the biopsychosocial level: a general view
    (Springer, 2023-09-12) Sixto Costoya, Andrea; García Zorita, José Carlos; Valderrama Zurián, Juan Carlos; Sanz Casado, Elías; Serrano López, Antonio Eleazar
    In recent years, there have been important changes related to marijuana use at the therapeutic, legislative, and social levels. Our goal is to know how they have infuenced scientifc research through the articles published in the Health Sciences journals in the last two decades (2001–2020). Marijuana articles included in the Web of Science Core Collection were retrieved, including their PubMed identifer (PMID) which was used to check whether these articles were also indexed in PubMed, obtaining a total of 36,982 documents. After, their descriptive terms (MeSH) on the specifc branches of Chemicals and Drugs, Psychiatry and Psychology, and Anthropology, Education, Sociology, and Social Phenomena were extracted to (1) conduct a correspondence analysis between terms and years to know the temporary evolution and (2) study the frequency per years of the terms “marijuana abuse,” “marijuana use,” and “medical marijuana.” The temporary analysis of the three branches showed a change in the use of terms from those more punitive to others more generic, more related to therapeutic issues, or more normalizing. The analysis of frequency showed that the most recent terms “marijuana use” and “medical marijuana” have gained weight on “marijuana abuse.” Starting with research on the negative consequences and ending with elements related to legislation and the therapeutic possibilities of marijuana shows a trend that has not been observed for any other drug. It would be advisable for scientifc research and policy actions to take this into account in the development of prevention programs.
  • Publication
    Comparison of MeSH terms and KeyWords Plus terms for more accurate classification in medical research fields. A case study in cannabis research
    (Elsevier, 2021-09-01) Valderrama Zurián, Juan Carlos; García Zorita, José Carlos; Marugán Lázaro, Sergio; Sanz Casado, Elías; Comunidad de Madrid
    KeyWords Plus and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) are widely used in bibliometric studies for topic mapping. The objective of this study is to compare the two description systems in documents about cannabis research to find the concordance between systems and establish whether there is neutrality in topic mapping. A total of 25,593 articles from 1970 to 2019 were drawn from Web of Science's Core Collection and Medline and analyzed. The tidytext library, Zipf's law, topic modeling tools, the contingency coefficient, Cramer's V, and Cohen's kappa were used. The results included 10,107 MeSH terms and 28,870 KeyWords Plus terms. The Zipf distribution of the terms was different for each system in terms of slope and specificity. The documents were classified into seven topics, and the MeSH system proved better at classification. The kappa coefficient between the two systems was 0.477 (for gamma ≥ 0.2); the topics related with human beings presented higher concordance. The use of KeyWords Plus for topic analyses in biomedical areas is not neutral, and this point needs to be taken into account in interpreting results.
  • Publication
    Model for estimating Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai Ranking) scores
    (CSIC, 2018-04-01) Pandiella Dominique, Andrés; Moreno Lorente, Luis Enrique; García Zorita, José Carlos; Sanz Casado, Elías
    The interest in global university rankings has grown significantly in the last 10 years. The use of just a handful of indicators, the ease of interpretation of the information they contain and the furtherance of inter-university competition and comparability are some of the factors that have popularised their implementation. However, at the same time their critics have identified some conceptual, technical and methodological issues. This paper addresses three such issues that have prompted intense methodological debate around university rankings: replicability of results, relevance of indicators and data retrieval. It also proposes a tool for estimating the scores for the two indicators of the greatest interest for most universities (Papers published in Nature or Science and Papers listed in the WoS). It reports on an alternative method developed to calculate any university's score in the two most significant Shanghai ranking indicators. One of the foremost features of the proposed method is that the inputs needed are readily available to policymakers, academic authorities, students and other stakeholders and can be applied directly. Furthermore, with this model, scores can also be estimated for universities not listed among the first 500 in the Shanghai ranking.
  • Publication
    Social Network Analysis Applied to a Historical Ethnographic Study Surrounding Home Birth
    (MDPI, 2018-04-24) Ovalle Perandones, María Antonia; Andina Diaz, Elena; Ramos Vidal, Ignacio; Camacho Morerll, Francisca; Siles Gonzales, Jose; Marques Sanchez, Pilar
    Safety during birth has improved since hospital delivery became standard practice, but the process has also become increasingly medicalised. Hence, recent years have witnessed a growing interest in home births due to the advantages it offers to mothers and their newborn infants. The aims of the present study were to confirm the transition from a home birth model of care to a scenario in which deliveries began to occur almost exclusively in a hospital setting; to define the social networks surrounding home births; and to determine whether geography exerted any influence on the social networks surrounding home births. Adopting a qualitative approach, we recruited 19 women who had given birth at home in the mid 20th century in a rural area in Spain. We employed a social network analysis method. Our results revealed three essential aspects that remain relevant today: the importance of health professionals in home delivery care, the importance of the mother's primary network, and the influence of the geographical location of the actors involved in childbirth. All of these factors must be taken into consideration when developing strategies for maternal health.
  • Publication
    Crosswalk between educational metadata standards
    (Belo Horizonte : Escola de Ciência da Informação da UFMG, 2018-07-01) Viera, Potterk; Luciana, Maria; Ferneda, Edberto; Moreiro González, José Antonio
    The formats diversity used for the development of learning objects contributes to the relevant information retrieval process remains a major challenge for Information Science and Computer Science. The adoption of metadata for cataloging these resources are being used both nationally and internationally. However, there is no consensus regarding the best metadata standard. It aims to present a crosswalk between main metadata standards used by learning objects repositories. Methodology is based on exploratory and analytical analysis of learning object repositories to identify the metadata of each initiative and propose a correlation model between the patterns. The results indicate that Dublin Core and LOM standards are references to other metadata standards. Thus, mapping was performed based on a correspondence between these patterns and validating was analyzed 140 learning objects available in repositories web. It follows that it is possible to establish a correlation model between the metadata with a significant number of elements to collaborate with the automatic indexing process and improve information retrieval.
  • Publication
    Transparency in Spanish archive and library websites: A comparative study
    (SAGE Publications, 2023-03-01) Pacios Lozano, Ana Reyes; Martínez Cardama, Sara; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España)
    Transparency is a principle that has attracted a good deal of international attention in recent years, especially in connection with combatting corruption and building open, participatory governments accountable to their citizens. Public libraries and archives are not only information suppliers, but also public bodies obliged to provide the citizenry with information about their own governance and activities. Those obligations are laid down in Spanish Act 19/2013 of 29 December on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance (Spanish initials LTAIPBG). This article describes the results of applying a transparency measuring tool, TransPa_BA, to 106 regionally administered national historic archives and national public libraries. The tool, in turn the result of a research project, includes 20 indicators to measure active public disclosure by public libraries and 22 by archives in keeping with the provisions of the aforementioned Act. The indicators and their respective parameters (visibility, content, form, accessibility, reusability, dating and currency) provide guidelines to enable these institutions to comply with transparency and accountability requirements by furnishing society in general and their stakeholders in particular with information on their activities and performance in key areas. Further to the findings, the target institutions have made hesitant attempts to enhance transparency with respect to earlier inquiries. Public libraries are observed to be more active than archives, although the transparency scores obtained are low due to the failure to provide information on some indicators as well as on parameters such as dating and reusability. Both types of institution have a long road ahead in the pursuit of greater transparency.
  • Publication
    Highly cited papers at the spanish domestic level
    (Frontiers, 2021-04-22) García Zorita, José Carlos; Marugán Lázaro, Sergio; Filippo, Daniela Alejandra de; Sanz Casado, Elías
    This paper presents a methodological proposal based on the identification of highly cited papers (HCPs) at domestic-level in the Spanish Public University System (SUPE), in order to find the most outstanding publications in the local context. The principal aim is to detect different activity and impact profiles among Spanish universities and differentiate those institutions that play a more significant role. To determine which and how many are the highly cited papers at the domestic level (HCP-DL) collected in the Web of Science, three citation thresholds (1, 5, and 10%) were established. Thematic classification in Incites/Essential Science Indicators areas is used. The results show a preponderance of HCPs in the field of Space Science, while the polytechnic universities have high visibility in the Computer Science area. It has been observed that the presence of HCPs in a given area is involved with universities specialized in teaching and research activities. In absolute terms, the big non-specialized universities are major producers of HCPs and hold the leading positions in our results. However, when efficiency is analyzed in relative terms, some small, specialized universities reveal themselves to be more efficient at producing HCPs (% of HCPs or citations per HCP). We think that this methodology, due to its simplicity, its ease of calculation, and the knowledge it provides, can be very useful to analyze the national systems of any country, in order to know the impact and visibility of the research carried out in its scientific institutions or research areas.
  • Publication
    Voremetur Project: proposal for the digital cataloguing of museum objects on media art
    (Emerald Insight, 2022-02-08) García López, Fátima; Martínez Cardama, Sara; Morales García, Ana María
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to describe the creation of a catalogue of museum objects associated with two media art collections. The proposal was formulated under the Voremetur "Vocabularios para una Red de Archivos y Colecciones de Media Art y sus efectos: metaliteracy y turismo de conocimiento" (thesauri for networked media art archives and collections and their effects: metaliteracy and knowledge tourism) (HAR2016-75949-C2-1-R). Collection characteristics and typologies are discussed along with the difficulties encountered and the interoperability of the platform chosen with other Web resources that foster visibility. Design/methodology/approach This paper describes a case study and a review of the protocols and standards used to catalogue media art collections. Digitised descriptions were processed with Omeka software in conjunction with the expanded Dublin Core metadata schema. This paper also reviews the literature on the conceptualisation of these collections and the challenges involved in their conservation and management. Findings The result was the creation of a digital repository for two media art collections: one linked to Espacio P; and the other the outcome of digitising part of the MIDECIANT collection (Archivo Media ART AEMA). Originality/value The methodology innovates the description and analysis of museum objects on media art in Spain. The proposed cataloguing method can be replicated and used to describe similar collections and lays the grounds for creating a Spanish network of media art archives and collections
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