RHE 2020 - Virtual Special Issue

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Archivo Abierto Institucional de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: RHE Virtual Special Iusse 2020 La Revista de Historia Económica (RHE-JILAEH) tiene un rico archivo con importantes artículos, originalmente escritos y publicados en sus páginas en el idioma español. Los Editores y los miembros del Patronato de RHE-JILAEH se complacen en sacar a la luz este legado recogiendo una selección de artículos fundamentales. Se han encargado traducciones al inglés para ampliar su accesibilidad. La revista pone también a disposición de sus lectores, los datos originales de los artículos seleccionados. Los editores agradecen la ayuda financiera para las traducciones del Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (España). La Revista también agradece a Herbert S. Klein, Carlos Marichal, Carlos Newland y David S. Reher por la revisión de sus propios textos.

RHE-JILAEH has a rich history of important articles, originally written and published in its pages in the Spanish language. The Editors and Trustees of RHE-JILAEH are pleased to highlight this legacy by collecting together a selection of seminal articles. New English translations have been commissioned to expand their accessibility. The editors gratefully acknowledge the financial help for translations from the Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (Spain). The Journal also thanks Herbert S. Klein, Carlos Marichal, Carlos Newland and David S. Reher for their revision of their own texts.




Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Publication
    China and the Spanish Empire
    (2020) Flynn, Dennis O.; Giráldez, Arturo
    In this article we argue that Ming China had a fundamental impact on the rise and decline of the Spanish Empire. China's demand for silver was of such magnitude that private mining profits in the Spanish Empire remained high until about 1640. The decline of these profits led to abandon production. Spain faced a deepening financial crisis due to the fall of silver's value. The loss of purchasing power from the Crown's American enterprise was inevitable and the state's relentless pressure for increased taxation within Castile and elsewhere was mandatory in order to compensate for lost external purchasing power.
  • Publication
    Benefits and Fiscal Costs of Colonialism: American Remittances to Spain, 1760-1814
    (2020) Marichal, Carlos
    The essay measures the fiscal costs and benefits of colonialism, both for the Spanish American colonies and for Spain, in the period 1760-1814 using new estimates of the annual transfers from the colonies to the metropolitan treasury. The various components of the fiscal benefits for the metropolis are analyzed, including the huge transfer of silver from colonial treasuries and also the estimated value of the large volume of shipments of tobacco leaf from Cuba to the Spanish tobacco monopoly. It is argued that the American contribution to the ordinary income of the Spanish government increased in absolute and relative terms in the period 1790-1810.
  • Publication
    Institutional Change and Economic Change in 19th-Century Spain
    (2020) Tedde de Lorca, Pedro
    The institutional changes which emerged from the liberal revolution in Western Europe were beneficial for economic growth. The concept of equality before the law, the simplification of the judiciary, more clearly defined property rights, and the opening of the market all contributed to a rapid approximation of the expected improvements in private returns with the increase in social returns. This article examines the institutional changes that took place in nineteenth-century Spain and concludes that deficiencies in the process of reform introduction led to smaller gains for economic growth than might have been expected.
  • Publication
    Income and Human Capital: the Case of Buenos Aires in the Mid-19th Century
    (2020) Newland, Carlos; San Segundo, María Jesús
    In this paper a contrast of the theory of human capital based on a sample corresponding to the city of Buenos Aires in 1852 is carried out. This is one of the rare cases in which the information necessary to construct income equations for the 19th century has been obtained. Among the conclusions of this analysis, the absence of a relationship between wages and literacy is noteworthy. On the other hand, for property owners a significant relationship between education and income is observed. These results are interpreted and compared with those obtained in studies referring to other regions for the same period.
  • Publication
    Prices and Wages in New Castile: the Construction of an Index of Real Wages, 1501-1991
    (2020) Reher, David-Sven; Ballesteros Doncel, Esmeralda
    Using published and unpublished data, mainly taken from central Spain and especially from Madrid, annual series of prices, wages and real wages between 1501 and 1991 have been constructed. A detailed explanation is given of the sources and procedures used in the construction of the series, and the reliability of the different adjustments is evaluated. The resulting time series clearly portray the medium and long-term trends of prices and wages in central Spain. When compared with English data, similar trends emerge.
  • Publication
    The Level and Structure of Slave Prices on Cuban Plantations in the Mid-Nineteenth Century: Some Comparative Perspectives
    (2020) Moreno Fraginals, Manuel; Klein, Herbert S.; Engerman, Stanley L.