Semiosfera n.06/07 1996/1997

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  • Publication
    Presentación de los números 6/7
    (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Humanidades y Comunicación "Miguel de Unamuno", 1997) Urrutia Gómez, Jorge
  • Publication
    El fracaso de la voluntad (en torno a un plano de "El verdugo")
    (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Humanidades y Comunicación "Miguel de Unamuno", 1997) Berthier, Nancy
    Nancy Berthier analyzes the final shot of Luis G. Berlanga's El verdugo as a synthesis of the tragicomic esence of the central character, in his contradictory assumption of a double position as Victim and as Guilty. In the interaction of images, camera movements and sound, it is clear the construction of an individual whose relation with society is in "Black& White" (since he is a symbol of the problem of colective guilt and innocence). The gap that exists between the individual will and the responsibility of the "executioner's acts" underlines the failure of the former. This failure is showed as a paradigm of human condition in XXth Century, in a world the mechanisms of which are not under their control. This position goes beyond the narrative dimension of the film and allows to discover, at the same time, a poetic and metaphorical ones.
  • Publication
    Resúmenes en lengua inglesa y en lengua francesa de los ensayos
    (1997) Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Humanidades y Comunicación "Miguel de Unamuno"
  • Publication
    Jacques Derrida, "Mal de archivo. Una impresión freudiana" [book review]
    (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Humanidades y Comunicación "Miguel de Unamuno", 1997) Baena Díaz, Francisco
  • Publication
    Teatro y cine [book review]
    (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Humanidades y Comunicación "Miguel de Unamuno", 1997) Gordillo Álvarez, Inmaculada
  • Publication
    Lo real y lo virtual [book review]
    (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Humanidades y Comunicación "Miguel de Unamuno", 1997) Fernández Vázquez, José María
  • Publication
    Francisco A. Marcos Marín, "Informática e Humanidades" [book review]
    (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Humanidades y Comunicación "Miguel de Unamuno", 1997) Olivetto, Giorgina
  • Publication
    Tecnología y Democracia: una aproximación electrónica
    (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Humanidades y Comunicación "Miguel de Unamuno", 1997) Sánchez Rodríguez, Antonio J.
    Thee influence of technology in Democracy creates new paths of political participation due to the use of new technologies, such as information one. Technology, in that case, can and must serve the participation in Democracy in order to implement the Democracy of participatin, a new Democracy beyond representative Democracy.
  • Publication
    Violencia y representación. De la crisis del valor al valor de la crisis
    (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Humanidades y Comunicación "Miguel de Unamuno", 1997) Imbert, Gerard
    Taking into accont the crisis of values which characterizes current societies, this article seeks to establish -by means of analyzing intenational films-, how emerges an aesthetic of violence, on the one side, and how, on the oder side, a mythical discourse is produced not only concerning violence, but also death representation. Usually being active part of the narrative, and often its adresee, violence also functions as a code that found new feures (like "gore movies") or even new practices (like "snuff movies"), while at the same time it leaves its traces on film language, as a look.
  • Publication
    La astuta serpiente. Análisis de un video-musical
    (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Humanidades y Comunicación "Miguel de Unamuno", 1997) Pérez-Yarza, Marta
    Trough textual analysis, Pearl Jam's music video, Jeremy, reveals its communicative strategy of opposing two judgements of the suicide of a young man. The written word, based on de Genesis III:3, representing the voice of the Establishment, condemns him as a sinner. Meanwhile, the music, the singer's performance and the images convey a different message to the viewer: he is depicted as a hero, a victim of society.
  • Publication
    Fotografía y silencio
    (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Humanidades y Comunicación "Miguel de Unamuno", 1997) Ansón, Antonio
    In this work we have studied three aspects about photography that have changed the way of perceiving and communicating the reality: photography as a choice, photomontage as a remaded object, and portrait as a trace from a world engulfed by time.
  • Publication
    Los nuevos instrumentos del análisis teatral
    (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Humanidades y Comunicación "Miguel de Unamuno", 1997) Pavis, Patrice; Fernández Vázquez, José María (trad.)
    The analysis of theatrical texts has been difficult in history. The double condition of literary text and dramatic text has stopped a global analysis of theatrical fenomene. After reviewin the traditional instruments of analysis, from the simplest, the verbal description, to the more complex, like the quiestionnaires or appendix documents; the author proposes an analysis based in the intermediaty or the use of massmedia that, however, woit ever be able to replace the role of the actor and the viewer in the reception of the dramatic play.
  • Publication
    Arte informático
    (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Humanidades y Comunicación "Miguel de Unamuno", 1997) Thenon, Luis
    All troughout history, artistic works have anvolved closely connected to the thecnological developments of its time. Nowdays, on the treshold of the XXIst century, computers and cybernetic media not only are used as a physical base but also they lead the new aesthetic research, even transforming the inner dynamic of the artistical, musical and cinematographical language, while at the same time they establish new relationship between creators and consumers.