Synchronization of PIM in iPhone and evolution implementing a task application based on CouchDB

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This thesis has put in evidence several faílures in the existing synchronization systems between the iPhone and Evolution. Most of these problems come from the use of a closed operating mobile system, the iPhone OS, with no many chances to open source solutions. Moreover, the desktop application to syn-chronize belongs to the Linux system, while almost every commercial solution has been thought to work on Windows. So the synchronization of PIM data between these devices has meant a big challenge. First, any device includes an UID and time stamp fields. That makes almost impossible a synchronization system without unnecessary replications and lose of data. Together with this, any of the tested servers are able to manage a "newer wins" policy and merging is not well implemented in the majority of them. Several of the involved protocols only work when a connection is available, as GroupDAV, LDAP, WebDAV with Toodledo or the Evolution plugin for Google. That does not fulfill the basis requirements of a synchronization system, which essence is to let users work omine making the data consistent when coming back online. In order to fix all these lacks, a new synchronization system based on CouchDB is proposed. Taking the task application developed in this thesis as a basis, the same could be made with contacts, calendars and memos (see figure 6.1). In this moment, the UbuntuOne project is oriented in this way. It supports contacts already and tasks will be added as soon as the implementation is completed. Moreover, our own server can be used with this project, not being necessary to store our data in Ubuntu servers. Another improvement for this system would be the development of an iPhone application able to store data locally in order to let us work when a connection is not available. The synchronization with the CouchDB would be made when coming back online, achieving a complete synchronization system. ________________________________________________________________
El objetivo de este proyecto fin de carrera es el de conseguir la sincronización de la información personal del usuario entre uno de los teléfonos móviles más vendidos actualmente, el iPhone de Apple, y una de las aplicaciones de escritorio más utilizadas en Linux, Evolution. Habrá que solventar bastantes problemas en el camino debido a que la API (Interfaz de programación de la aplicación, de las siglas en inglés: Application Programming Interface), y los servicios en general ofrecidos por Apple, siguen una política bastante cerrada y restrictiva. Dentro de las soluciones existentes, encontraremos que la sincronización no es posible para las tareas de forma bidireccional, por lo que desarrollaremos nuestro propio gestor de tareas capaz de ser sincronizado entre el iPhone y Evolution. Para ello utilizaremos una nueva base de datos, CouchDB, que será explicada con mayor detalle en las siguientes secciones.
Radiocomunicación, Dispositivos móviles, Sincronización de datos, Telefonía móvil
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