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  • Publication
    Comparative analysis between a respeaking captioning system and a captioning system without human intervention
    (Springer, 2022-10-11) Ruiz Arroyo, Adrián; García Crespo, Ángel; Fuenmayor González, Francisco Javier; Rodríguez Goncalves, Roxana del Valle
    People living with deafness or hearing impairment have limited access to information broadcast live on television. Live closed captioning is a currently active area of study; to our knowledge, there is no system developed thus far that produces high-quality captioning results without using scripts or human interaction. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the quality of captions generated for four Spanish news programs by two captioning systems: a semiautomatic system based on respeaking (system currently used by a Spanish TV station) and an automatic system without human interaction proposed and developed by the authors. The analysis is conducted by measuring and comparing the accuracy, latency and speed of the captions generated by both captioning systems. The captions generated by the system presented higher quality considering the accuracy in terms of Word Error Rate (WER between 3.76 and 7.29%) and latency of the captions (approximately 4 s) at an acceptable speed to access the information. We contribute a first study focused on the development and analysis of an automatic captioning system without human intervention with promising quality results. These results reinforce the importance of continuing to study these automatic systems.
  • Publication
    A Framework for Strategic Intelligence Systems Applied to Education Management: A Pilot Study in the Community of Madrid
    (IEEE, 2021-05-19) Berges, Aurelio; Ramírez, Pablo; Pau, Iván; Tejero, Alberto; García Crespo, Ángel
    The management of educational policies is a complex issue. There are complexities related to the country's organizational system (competencies delegated by different areas in some cases), and to the limited resources in the educational system. In addition, there are many variables that need to be managed: ICT resources, special educational needs, human resources available, the socioeconomic characteristics of each district, etc. These types of issues are similar to those dealt with by strategic intelligence management. In this field, commonly included within innovation management, methodological frameworks are established that enable collection and consolidation of data from various sources and their subsequent exploitation to enhance decision-making based on previously identified needs. This article presents the details of a pilot plan aimed at implementing a framework for strategic intelligence management in the educational management system of the Community of Madrid (Spain). These intelligence systems are difficult to deploy in educational organizations that have highly fragmented management as in the case described in our pilot plan, although their implementation leads to more correct and agile decision-makings. This paper describes the steps carried out to define the new management platform requirements, its technical implementation issues, and the validation results that demonstrate its functional validity and acceptance by end-users participating in the described pilot project.
  • Publication
    TV interaction as a non-invasive sensor for monitoring elderly well-being at home
    (MDPI, 2021-10-102) Abreu, Jorge; Oliveira, Rita; García Crespo, Ángel; Rodriguez Goncalves, Roxana
    The number of technical solutions to remotely monitoring elderly citizens and detecting hazard situations has been increasing in the last few years. These solutions have dual purposes: to provide a feeling of safety to the elderly and to inform their relatives about potential risky situations, such as falls, forgotten medication, and other unexpected deviations from daily routine. Most of these solutions are based on IoT (Internet of Things) and dedicated sensors that need to be installed at the elderly’s houses, hampering mass adoption. This justifies the search for non-invasive technical alternatives with smooth integration that relying only on existent devices, without the need for any additional installations. Therefore, this paper presents the SecurHome TV ecosystem, a technical solution based on the elderly’s interactions with their TV sets—one of the most used devices in their daily lives—acting as a non-invasive sensor enabling one to detect potential hazardous situations through an elaborated warning algorithm. Thus, this paper describes in detail the SecurHome TV ecosystem, with special emphasis on the warning algorithm, and reports on its validation process. We conclude that notwithstanding some constraints while setting the user’s pattern, either upon the cold start of the application or after an innocuous change in the user’s TV routine, the algorithm detects most hazardous situations contributing to monitor elderly well-being at home.
  • Publication
    EDU-EX: a tool for auto-regulated IntelligentTutoring systems development based on models
    (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002-09-01) Domingo-García, Paloma; García Crespo, Ángel; Ruiz Mezcua, María Belén; Iglesias Maqueda, Ana María
    In recent years there has been an upsurge in forms of instruction that envisage a permanent and ongoing involvement in education of novel concepts such as planned and personalised instruction and autonomous learning. A large number of problems that arise ineducation today may be solved by introducing new technologies into the educational environment, as they allow the form and content of tutoring systems to be tailored to each individual.The application of Artificial Intelligence techniques is helping open up new prospects in the field of teaching and learning. Using Artificial Intelligence techniques in education has the advantage of making it possible to represent expert reasoning and knowledge skills, and to take advantage of this experience in education.This study has involved the development of a tool to generate auto-regulated intelligent tutoring systems based on models. This form of representation makes it possible to break down, organise and represent information so as to enable the easy creation of functionalintelligent computerised tutoring systems. Information about the subject in question, about inference mechanisms, and of a pedagogical nature (independent of any one strategy) is allseparated. The tool also enables knowledge acquired by a student to be constantly monitored with a view to auto-regulating the course contents.
  • Publication
    El factor humano: Instrumentos de medida competencial y estimación.
    (AEMES, 2004-08) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Carrillo Verdún, José; Tovar Caro, Edmundo
    La importancia del “factor humano” en la gestión de los proyectos de desarrollo de software es vital. Para contribuir a la mejora de la capacidad de las organizaciones en el proceso software, se ha desarrollado un modelo, complementario a CMM, para el diagnóstico de la madurez de los procesos relacionados con el personal, People-CMM. Por otra parte, los modelos de estimación existentes en la Ingeniería de Software integran aspectos relativos a la competencia técnica y general del personal, pero, sin embargo, no establecen correspondencias con los instrumentos de medida competencial y del rendimiento en el establecimiento de los valores de los distintos factores que se utilizan para la estimación. Este artículo, tras realizar un estudio sobre las recomendaciones e iniciativas implantadas para la medición competencial en la industria, y los métodos de estimación sobre factores de personal en los proyectos de desarrollo de software más relevantes, realiza una recomendación para la integración de cada uno de los factores relacionados con el “factor humano” que se recogen en COCOMO II con los instrumentos de gestión que recomienda People-CMM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Publication
    The IT Crowd: Are we stereotypes?
    (IEEE, 2008-11) García Crespo, Ángel; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel; Tovar Caro, Edmundo
    The power of technology and its impact on the average IT employee's working life has led to new job titles and responsibilities. IT workers' increased visibility also correlates to a new social image reflected in the media. The authors completed an empirical study to examine how IT workers are portrayed, particularly on television, and the resulting perception of the profession, which future IT professionals will likely reflect.
  • Publication
    Decisions in software development proyects management: an exploratory study.
    (Taylor & Francis, 2011-11-14) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Casado-Lumbreras, Cristina; Soto-Acosta, Pedro; García Crespo, Ángel
    Given the importance of software in today's world, the development of software systems is a key activity that requires complex management scenarios. This article explores the implications of hard decisions in the context of software development projects (SDPs). More in deep, it focuses on the emotional consequences of making hard decisions in IT organisations. Complex SDPs involve a great variety of actors. This fact entails morale, feelings and emotions, which play an important role for communication, interaction and, ultimately, decision making. The aim of the article is twofold. First (Study 1), to identify which are the most important hard decisions in SDPS. Second (Study 2), to study the influence of emotions on decision-making processes (Study 2). Findings show the complex emotional consequences and difficulties that managers must face in hard decision-making processes.
  • Publication
    Un breve recorrido por la concepción de las emociones en Filosofía Occidental.
    (Serbal, 2006-09) Casado-Lumbreras, Cristina; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo
    El presente artículo representa un breve recorrido por las aportaciones de los máximos exponentes del pensamiento occidental, haciendo hincapié en aquellos pensadores que han tenido una especial influencia en el desarrollo posterior de teorías psicológicas sobre la emoción.
  • Publication
    An empirical research of the effect of internet-based innovation on business value.
    (Academic Journals, 2010-12-18) Soto-Acosta, Pedro; Loukis, Euripidis; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Lytras, Miltiadis D.
    In recent years, much debate about the value of information technology (IT) in general and e-business in particular and has been raised. Aiming to contribute to the investigation of whether and how Internet/WWW technologies create business value, this paper develops a conceptual model, grounded on a well established theoretical foundation from the strategic management domain, the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm, which analyzes web infrastructure and internet-based innovation as sources of business value. The methodology involved a large data source collected by the European e-Business Market Watch, an established e-business observatory organization sponsored by the European Commission. Results show that web infrastructure is not significantly related to business value, while on the contrary Internet-based innovation has a positive significant impact on business value. In addition, results show no significant complementarities between web infrastructure and internet-based innovation. These findings indicate that firms should be very careful when they decide to make this kind of investments, since they have to combine ‘hard’ investments in web infrastructure with ‘soft’ investments for the development of new products, services and processes exploiting the capabilities of this infrastructure.
  • Publication
    Web 2.0: new and challenging practical issues [Guest editorial]
    (Emerald, 2010) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo
  • Publication
    La asignatura "Expresión Oral y Escrita" dentro del Grado en Ingeniería Informática adaptado al Espacio de Educación Superior
    (Sociedad de la Educación del IEEE, 2009-05) García Crespo, Ángel; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel
    The current work presents the design of a subject entitled "Oral & Writing Skills" corresponding to the new Computer Science degree adapted to European Higher Education area recommendations. The subject, which will be put into practice for the first time in the 2008/09 academic year, implies an important change of trends in relation to the development of the spectrum of competencies within the content of the degree. Without doubt, the way the new design will be realized in the long term indicates an adaptation to the Spanish curricular initiatives and recommendations, both European and International.
  • Publication
    CARL: a Complex Applications Interoperability Language based on semantic technologies for platform-as-a-service integration and cloud computing
    (Australian Computer Society Inc., 2011-08) Jiménez Domingo, Enrique; Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; García Crespo, Ángel
    Cloud Computing technologies have recently gained momentum and moved from a hyped trend to a mature set of technological innovations providing an infraestructure for the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) paradigm. However, a number of questions abaut Cloud-deployed applications inter-operability and cross-integration, stemming from multilple areas of Computer Science domains, have also been raised from a Platform-as-a-Service angle. In this paper, we present CARL, a novel, cutting-edge. interoperative and integration-oriented language based on Semantics Technologies. We provide a formal model and semantics to enable Complex Application management and integration in PaaS environments, together with a thorough demonstration of the breaktrhoughs being provided by CARL.
  • Publication
    Informal learning in work environments: training with the Social Web in the workplace
    (Taylor & Francis, 2012-03-05) García-Peñalvo, Francisco J.; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Lytras, Miltiadis D.
    The Internet and its increasing usage has changed informal learning in depth. This change has affected young and older adults in both the workplace and in higher education. But, in spite of this, formal and non-formal course-based approaches have not taken full advantage of these new informal learning scenarios and technologies. The Web 2.0 is a new way for people to communicate across the Internet. Communication is a means of transformation and knowledge exchange. These are the facts that cannot be obviated by the organisations in their training programmes and knowledge management. This special issue is devoted to investigating how informal learning changes or influences online information in Social Web and training strategies in institutions. In order to do so, five papers will present different approaches of informal learning in the workplace regarding Web 2.0 capabilities.
  • Publication
    An integrated methodology for customer relationship management customization.
    (TECSI FEA USP, 2007) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel; García Crespo, Ángel
    The importance and presence of technological solutions in organizations supporting CRM are a vital business fact from the late nineties. Presently, the manufacturers figure in the market has dramatically decreased because of continuous takeovers and merges, but it has on the other hand gained momentum because of the sudden open-source and on-demand solutions appearance. In this scope, a unified methodology centered on CRM solutions is of paramount importance since it has traditionally been linked to either system integration or overall solution design. Based on the two de-facto complementary standards for the implementation and development of Information Systems, namely the ESA and Dyché CRM systems implementation methodology, in this paper, we provide a CRM business solutions customization methodology which pertains independently to the integration and tool maker perspective.
  • Publication
    Competence gaps in software personnel: a multi-organizational study.
    (Elsevier, 2013-03) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Casado Lumbreras, Cristina; Soto Acosta, Pedro; García Peñalvo, Francisco J.; Tovar Caro, Edmundo
    Today, the innovation and quality of the software industry’s products and services depend to a great extent on the knowledge, ability and talent applied by software engineers. At the same time, human aspects are recognized as one of the main problems associated with software development projects. More specifically, inefficiencies usually come from inadequate verification of software engineers’ competences. Another issue is the lack of an established career for software engineers, which adds difficulties to evaluate competences. With these challenges in mind, this paper presents astudy conducted in the software industry to test competence gaps among software practitioners, comparing the 360-degree feedback results and self-evaluations with that of standard competence levels. The results of this research may be very valuable to organizations immersed in software development projects.
  • Publication
    Semantic Annotatiion Architecture for Accesible Multimedia Resources
    (IEEE, 2011-02) Paniagua Martín, Fernando; García Crespo, Ángel; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Ruiz Mezcua, María Belén
    The semantic annotation (SA) of resources in general, and particularly of multimedia resources, is an arduous task which developments in automatic annotation mechanisms have not been able to realize until now with sufficiently accurate results. Concurrently, initiatives which focus on the accessibility and regulation of multimedia resources are becoming ever greater in number. Accessibility may be achieved, among other alternatives, by means of the subtitling and audio description of multimedia contents. This paper presents a platform which enables the SA of multimedia content when the subtitling and audio description tasks are being carried out.
  • Publication
    Competency assessment : integrating COCOMO II and people-CMM for estimation improvement
    (CLEI, 2007-12) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Ruano-Mayoral, Marcos; Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel; García Crespo, Ángel; CLEI Electronical Journal
    "Human factor" is one of the most relevant and crucial aspects of software development projects management. Aiming at the performance improvement for software processes in organizations, a new model has been developed to diagnose people related processes. This new model is People-CMM and represents a complementary solution to CMM. On the other hand, existing estimation models in Software Engineering perfectly integrate those aspects related to personnel’s technical and general competence, but fail to integrate competence and performance measurement instruments when it comes to determine the precise value for each of the factors involved in the estimation process. After reviewing the already deployed initiatives and recommendations for competence measurement in the industrial environment and the most relevant estimation methods for personnel factors used in software development projects, this article presents a recommendation for the integration of each of the "human factor" related metrics in COCOMO II with the management tools proposed by People-CMM, which are widely implemented by existing commercial tools.
  • Publication
    An integrated methodology for customer relationship management customization
    (TECSI FEA USP, 2007) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel; García Crespo, Ángel
    The importance and presence of technological solutions in organizations supporting CRM are a vital business fact from the late nineties. Presently, the manufacturers figure in the market has dramatically decreased because of continuous takeovers and merges, but it has on the other hand gained momentum because of the sudden open-source and on-demand solutions appearance. In this scope, a unified methodology centered on CRM solutions is of paramount importance since it has traditionally been linked to either system integration or overall solution design. Based on the two de-facto complementary standards for the implementation and development of Information Systems, namely the ESA and Dyché CRM systems implementation methodology, in this paper, we provide a CRM business solutions customization methodology which pertains independently to the integration and tool maker perspective.
  • Publication
    A case of system dynamics education in softwaren education in software engineering courses
    (IEEE Education Society Student Activities Committee, 2008-06) García Crespo, Ángel; Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Gómez Berbís, Juan Miguel; Paniagua Martín, Fernando
    This paper presents a teaching initiative introduced in the Carlos III University of Madrid in which System Dynamics has been applied for teaching project management in the context of Computer Science grade. The initiative was designed in order to achieve two objectives: effectively deliver the lecturing materials relevant to simulation to students and, using the experimental models constructed, emphasize the human aspects of Software Engineering to students, and thus develop their competences as Software Development project managers.
  • Publication
    Mentoring & coaching: It perspective
    (Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2006-08) Colomo Palacios, Ricardo; Casado-Lumbreras, Cristina
    The development of the intellectual capital of the corporations nowadays represents one of the most significant challenges for the managers of and one of the most fertile fields for the enterpreneurial innovation. The present article shows a vision over two of the techniques of formation of people with greater impact at the present time: the Mentoring and the Coaching. Both terms have been object of debates regarding to their applications, existing, in spite of their notoriety, great confusion on their differences and possible applications. The article reviews the origin of the concepts, its differences and similarities and explores with depth, the applications of it in the field of the Management of the Technologies of the Information.