DHHGA - GEO - Preprints

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  • Publication
    Maps in the Cinema. An introductory study
    (2010-09) Gámir Orueta, Agustín
    This paper addresses the links between cartography and film, through analysis of maps and plans exhibited in the most popular Western film productions. A larger study, in addition to the bibliography and filmography, a reflection on the history of that relationship in pictorial art and literature, is available in “La cartografía en el cine: mapas y planos en la producciones cinematográficas occidentales” published in issue 334 of the electronic journal Scripta Nova.
  • Publication
    Cinema and Geography: Geographic Space, Landscape and Territory in the Film Industry
    (2009-01) Gámir Orueta, Agustín; Manuel Valdés, Carlos
    This work presents a theoretical and analytical approach to the relationship between cinema and geographic space. First, special cinematographic qualities are differentiated from those of other means of geographic representation, at the same time identifying the differences between real space and film space. Subsequently, the main contributions from various geographic subdisciplines are examined, identifying which paths of study should be followed in the relationship between geography and film. A third, more analytical part of the content looks at the specific problems of film locations, the way landscape and nature are presented on screen, the use of cinema as a political/territorial instrument, and the economic repercussions created by the film industry.