Mobile robot path planning using Voronoi diagram and fast marching

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IGI Global
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For navigation in complicated environments, a robot must reach a compromise between efficient trajectories and ability to react to unexpected environmental events. This paper presents a new sensorbased path planner, which gives a fast local or global motion plan capable to incorporate new obstacles data. Within the first step, the safest areas in the environment are extracted by means of a Voronoi Diagram. Within the second step, the fast marching method is applied to the Voronoi extracted areas so as to get the trail. This strategy combines map-based and sensor-based designing operations to supply a reliable motion plan, whereas it operates at the frequency of the sensor. The most interesting characteristics are high speed and reliability, as the map dimensions are reduced to a virtually one-dimensional map and this map represents the safest areas within the environment. Additionally, the Voronoi Diagram is calculated in open areas with all reasonably shaped obstacles. This fact permits to use the planned trajectory methodology in complex environments wherever different Voronoi-based strategies will not work.
Path planning, Robot motion, Voronoi diagram, Fast marching
Bibliographic citation
Luo, Zongwei (ed.), Robotics, automation, and control in industrial and service settings. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2015. Pp.: 92-108.