Gas depletion through single gas bubble diffusive growth and its effect on subsequent bubbles

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When a gas bubble grows by diffusion in a gas–liquid solution, it affects the distribution of gas in its surroundings. If the density of the solution is sensitive to the local amount of dissolved gas, there is the potential for the onset of natural convection, which will affect the bubble growth rate. The experimental study of the successive quasi-static growth of many bubbles from the same nucleation site described in this paper illustrates some consequences of this effect. The enhanced growth due to convection causes a local depletion of dissolved gas in the neighbourhood of each bubble beyond that due to pure diffusion. The quantitative data of sequential bubble growth provided in the paper show that the radius-versus-time curves of subsequent bubbles differ from each other due to this phenomenon. A simplified model accounting for the local depletion is able to collapse the experimental curves and to predict the progressively increasing bubble detachment times.
Bubble dynamics, Convection, Drops and bubbles
Bibliographic citation
Moreno Soto, L., Prosperetti, A., Lohse, D. & van der Meer, D. (2017). Gas depletion through single gas bubble diffusive growth and its effect on subsequent bubbles. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 831, 474–490.