Thermal conductivity and diffusivity of Cu-Y alloys produced by different powder metallurgy routes

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Journal Issue
Full density Cu-1%Y and Cu-0.8%Y alloys have been produced by different powder metallurgy routes and subsequent hot isostatic pressing. Some of the alloys have been subjected to equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) via BC route up to 8 passes. ECAP deformation homogenizes and refines the microstructure up to attaining a sub-micron grain structure. Thermal properties have been characterized by the laser flash method in the temperature range 373–773 K. The ECAP process, irrespective of the production route, enhanced the thermal conductivity to values similar to those for CuCrZr (ITER grade). The linear thermal expansion coefficient was temperature independent for all materials.
Copper, Yttrium, Thermal conductivity, ECAP, MA, Coefficient Thermal Expansion
Bibliographic citation
Carro, G., Muñoz, A., Monge, M., Savoini, B., Galatanu, A., Galatanu, M. & Pareja, R. (2017). Thermal conductivity and diffusivity of Cu-Y alloys produced by different powder metallurgy routes. Fusion Engineering and Design, vol. 124, pp. 1156–1160.