Simulations without data updates using analytical attitude propagator GSAM for spin stabilized satellites

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The objective of this work is to validate the GSAM propagator using new data provided by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) from SCD1 and SCD2 data collection satellites, with emphasis on long interval simulations without daily data updates. Originally, only 40 days of data were available to test the program, constraining any attempts to measure its precision more accurately. Recently, over two decades of data regarding both satellites' orbital and attitude parameters were provided, allowing further studies and validation of the program. The rotational motion equations are composed by the gravity gradient torque, aerodynamic torque, solar radiation pressure torque, residual and eddy current magnetic torques, the latter using a dipole geomagnetic model. The results are considered fitting when the mean deviation between the calculated variables and the real satellite data stay within 0.5× for the right ascension and declination angles and 0.5 rpm for the spin velocity. Intervals that meet the required precision were found for all years, from three to up to 15 days of simulation without data update. The consistent detection of such intervals further corroborate the use of the propagator to estimate the orientation of the satellites studied in their missions.
Gsam propagator, Space, Satellites, Rotational motion equation, Gravity gradient torque, Aerodynamic torque, Solar radiation pressure torque, Residual and eddy current magnetic torque, Dipole geomagnetic model
Bibliographic citation
Zanardi, M. C., Mota, V., Borderes-Motta, G. (2019). Simulations without data updates using analytical attitude propagator GSAM for spin stabilized satellites. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1365, 012020, 8 p.