New approach to electronic band gap filtering structures combining microstrip and dielectric resonators

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Journal Issue
A novel design combining standard microstrip technology with single ring resonator and high dielectric constant resonator for design of low and band pass filtering electromagnetic band gap(EBG) structures, operating in the range from 1 to 20 GHz is presented in this paper. The design is based on a high dielectric constant resonator embedded in a microstrip structure substrate. The dielectric resonator is fabricated by using commercial high dielectric constant EPOXY paste in a process compatible with serigraphy and screen printing technology.
Proceeding of: 2013 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings (APMC), Seoul, Korea (South), 5-8 Nov. 2013
Resonators, Passive microwave circuits, Microstrip, Dielectric resonators
Bibliographic citation
2013 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings (APMC), Seoul, Korea (South), 5-8 Nov. 2013. Estados Unidos De America: IEEE, 2013, Pp. 417-419