A Two-Stage Combining Classifier Model for the Development of Adaptive Dialog Systems

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This paper proposes a statistical framework to develop user-adapted spoken dialog systems. The proposed framework integrates two main models. The first model is used to predict the user's intention during the dialog. The second model uses this prediction and the history of dialog up to the current moment to predict the next system response. This prediction is performed with an ensemble-based classifier trained for each of the tasks considered, so that a better selection of the next system can be attained weighting the outputs of these specialized classifiers. The codification of the information and the definition of data structures to store the data supplied by the user throughout the dialog makes the estimation of the models from the training data and practical domains manageable. We describe our proposal and its application and detailed evaluation in a practical spoken dialog system.
Spoken Dialog Systems, Dialog Management, User Models, Classifier Systems, Artificial Neural Networks, Clustering, Spoken Human-Machine Interaction, Function Neural-Network, Particle Swarm Optimization, Freeway Incident Detection, User Simulation, Spoken, Management, Algorithm, Design, Recognition, Task
Bibliographic citation
Griol, D., Iglesias, J. A., Ledezma, A. and Sanchis, A. (2016). A Two-stage Combining Classifier Model for the Development of Adaptive Dialog Systems. International Journal of Neural Systems, 26(1)