Recognizing Human Activity in Free-Living Using Multiple Body-Worn Accelerometers

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Recognizing human activity is very useful for an investigator about a patient's behavior and can aid in prescribing activity in future recommendations. The use of body worn accelerometers has been demonstrated to be an accurate measure of human activity; however, research looking at the use of multiple body worn accelerometers in a free living environment to recognize a wide range of activities is not evident. This paper aimed to successfully recognize activity and sub-category activity types through the use of multiple body worn accelerometers in a free-living environment. Ten participants (Age = 23.1 +/- 1.7 years, height = 171.0 +/- 4.7 cm, and mass = 78.2 +/- 12.5 Kg) wore nine body-worn accelerometers for a day of free living. Activity type was identified through the use of a wearable camera, and subcategory activities were quantified through a combination of free-living and controlled testing. A variety of machine learning techniques consisting of preprocessing algorithms, feature, and classifier selections were tested, accuracy, and computing time were reported. A fine k-nearest neighbor classifier with mean and standard deviation features of unfiltered data reported a recognition accuracy of 97.6%. Controlled and free-living testing provided highly accurate recognition for sub-category activities (> 95.0%). Decision tree classifiers and maximum features demonstrated to have the lowest computing time. Results show that recognition of activity and sub-category activity types is possible in a free-living environment through the use of multiple body worn accelerometers. This method can aid in prescribing recommendations for activity and sedentary periods for healthy living.
Human activity recognition, Machine learning, Body-worn accelerometers
Bibliographic citation
E. Fullerton, B. Heller and M. Munoz-Organero, "Recognizing Human Activity in Free-Living Using Multiple Body-Worn Accelerometers," in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 17, no. 16, pp. 5290-5297, 15 Aug.15, 2017