AI-based Autonomous Control, Management, and Orchestration in 5G: from Standards to Algorithms

Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
While the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to 5G networks has raised a strong interest, standard solutions to bring AI into 5G systems are still in their infancy and have a long way to go before they can be used to build an operational system. In this paper, we contribute to bridging the gap between standards and a working solution, by defining a framework that brings together the relevant standard specifications and complements them with additional building blocks. We populate this framework with concrete AI-based algorithms that serve different purposes towards developing a fully operational system. We evaluate the performance resulting from applying our framework to control, management and orchestration functions, showing the benefits that AI can bring to 5G systems.
Artificial intelligence, Forecasting, Engines, Prediction algorithms, History, Data analysis, 3GPP
Bibliographic citation
IEEE network, 34(6), Pp. 14-20