Blast wave dynamics: The influence of the shape of the explosive

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A numerical model is developed to analyse the influence of the shape of a high-explosive on the dynamics of the generated pressure wave. A Multi-Material Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (MM-ALE) technique is used as the CONWEP approach is not adequate to model such situations. Validation and verification of the proposed numerical model is achieved based on experimental data obtained from the bibliography. The numerical model provides relevant information that cannot be obtained from the experimental results. The influence of the mass and shape of the high-explosive is studied and correlated to the dynamics of the generated blast wave through the analysis of peak pressures, time of arrival and impulse. Tests are done with constant mass hemispherical, cylindrical and flat-shaped Formex F4HV samples. A detailed analysis of the generated blast wave is done, along with a thorough comparison between incident and reflected waves. It is concluded that the dynamic effects of the reflected pressure pulses should always be considered in structural design, most relevantly when analysing closed structures where the number of reflections can be significant. The model is proved reliable, concluding that the frontal area of the high-explosive is a determinant driving parameter for the impulse generated by the blast. (C)2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Blast wave, Multi-material Arbitrary Lagrangian, Eulerian, Fluid structure interaction, Impulse, High-explosive, Fluid-structure interaction, Range spherical explosions, High-velocity impacts, Numerical-simulation
Bibliographic citation
Artero-Guerrero, J., Pernas-Sánchez, J., & Teixeira-Dias, F. (2017). Blast wave dynamics: The influence of the shape of the explosive. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 331, 189-199.