Mechanical characterization of Ti(C,N)-based cermets fabricated through different colloidal processing routes

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In this work the influence of different colloidal processing routes on the mechanical behavior of several Ti(C,N)-based cermets has been studied. The materials were designed with a Ti(C, N) content ranging between 80 and 85 vol %, in a Fe-Ni alloy matrix (with and without carbon addition). Three processing techniques were investigated: (i) Slip Casting (SC), (ii) Slip Casting + Cold Isostatic Pressing (SC+CIP), and (iii) Spray-Dry + Uniaxial Pressing (SDP). Biaxial strength distributions were determined in all samples using the ball-on-three-balls (B3B) method on disc-shaped specimens. Results were interpreted in the framework of Weibull theory. The characteristic strength ranged between 1090 MPa and 1870 MPa. A fractographic analysis performed on selected specimens showed different critical flaws, depending on the processing route, related to the composition and porosity level in each case. Single Edge V-Notched Beam (SEVNB) specimens fabricated with SDP were tested under 4-point-bending, in order to identify the effect of Fe-Ni content and carbon addition on their fracture resistance. Detailed fractographic analyses revealed slightly different mechanisms of fracture associated with the Fe-Ni and carbon content. Fracture toughness values ranging between similar to 12 and similar to 14 MPa m(1/2) were measured. Based upon these findings the SDP route is proposed to improve both the strength and toughness of Ti(C, N) cermets, which can be enhanced by the addition of carbon during the colloidal processing.
Colloidal processing, Powder metallurgy techniques, Ti(C,N)-based cermets, Biaxial strength, Fracture
Bibliographic citation
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 732, (Jan. 2018), 806-817.