Demonstrating HIVE and HIVE-ES: Supporting Term Browsing and Automatic Text Indexing with Linked Open Vocabularies

Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The HIVE (Helping Interdisciplinary Vocabulary Engineering) and HIVE-España (ES) projects both support dynamic, automatic metadata generation using multiple vocabularies. This demonstration will present both the HIVE and HIVE-ES projects and showcase the overarching HIVE framework and functionalities, and give insight into the broader issues relating to linked open vocabularies—LOV. HIVE relies on the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) and the Kea++/Maui algorithms, which enable more sophisticated terminological selection compared to frequency counts. Baseline studies provide some positive, yet mixed results, and a framework for further study. The adequacy of HIVE and HIVE-ES's searching and browsing capabilities are required to be addressed; and the research should target SKOS use for different types of vocabularies (thesaurus vs. subject heading lists) and, specially on the performance of the text indexing algorithms used depending on the type of vocabulary, the features of the training set documents and those indexed, and the language of all of them.
Abstract y presentación presentados en el Workshop
Bibliographic citation
David Rodríguez Mateos, Gema Bueno de la Fuente, Jane Greenberg, Liliana Melgar, Nancy Gómez, Craig Willis, Eva Méndez, Joan Boone (2012). Demonstrating HIVE and HIVE-ES: Supporting Term Browsing and Automatic Text Indexing with Linked Open Vocabularies. Networked Knowledge Organization Systems and Services. The 11th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop. Workshop at the TPDL Conference, Paphos, Cyprus. 23-27 september 2012.