Temporal information needs in ResPubliQA: an attempt to improve accuracy. The UC3M Participation at CLEF 2010

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The UC3M team participates in 2010 in the second ResPubliQA evaluation campaign taking part in the monolingual Spanish task. On this occasion we have completely redesigned our Question Answering system, product of multiple efforts while being part of the MIRACLE team, by creating a whole new architecture. The aim was to gain in modularity, flexibility and evaluation capabilities that previous versions left pending. Despite its initial open-domain philosophy, the new system was tested by means of the JRCAcquis and EUROPARL collections on the legal domain. We submitted two runs for the participation in the paragraph selection task. The main attempts in this campaign have focused on the study of the information needs concerning time. Starting from implementing a base system based on passage retrieval, we added temporal question analysis capabilities, temporal indexing to the collection, as well as some temporal filtering and reasoning features, getting a global accuracy of 0.51. In the second run we have implemented an answer analysis module based on n-gram analysis. The obtained results are slightly better, achieving a 0.52. We discuss the results found from each configuration when applied to the different temporal questions types.
This Conference at: CLEF 2010 LABs and Workshops, Notebook Papers. Took place 14 September, 2010 in Padova, Italy. The event Web site at:
Question Answering, Temporal Indexing, Temporal Normalization, N-gram Similarity
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International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2010, Padua, Italy, September 20-23, 2010.