Fabrication and examination of oxidation resistance of zinc coated copper and brass components by chemical deposition

Research Projects
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Journal Issue
n this work, the structure and the oxidation resistance of Zn deposited Cu and brass metallic components are examined. The deposition was accomplished with pack cementation chemical deposition. The examination of the samples was performed with electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. It was found that coatings on Cu substrate consist of two layers with different Zn concentrations, while coatings on brass were single layered with almost constant Zn concentration. The presence of distinct Zn—Cu phases was revealed in both cases. The subjection of the as coated samples together with the uncoated substrates in air at 400ºC showed that both Zn coated samples have enhanced resistivity in such atmospheres, as most of the coating remained mostly unoxidised, and the substrates were fully protected. On the contrary, the bare substrates appear to have undergone severe damage as brittle oxides were formed on their surface.
Coatings, Zinc, Copper alloys, Pack cementation, Oxidation
Bibliographic citation
Surface Engineering (2011). 27(5), 362-367.