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  • Publication
    CIRMAT Symposium. Abstract book
    (2022) García Peñas, Alberto; Pérez Prior, María Teresa; Moral Zamorano, María; Swaby Martínez, Sydonne Leonor; Agencia Estatal de Investigación (España); European Commission; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (España); Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (España)
  • Publication
    Actuator design using electroactive polymers
    (Proceedings of SPIE Vol 5836, 2005-07-01) Fernández, Diego; Moreno, Luis; Baselga Llidó, Juan
    In order to make EAP actuators technology scalable a design methodology for polymer actuators is required. Design variables, optimization formulas and a general architecture are required as it is usual in electromagnetic or hydraulic actuators design. This will allow the development of large EAP actuators from micro-actuator units, specifically designed for a particular application. It will also help to enhance the EAP material final performance. This approach is not new, since it is found in Nature. Skeletal muscle architecture has a profound influence on muscle force-generating properties and functionality. Based on existing literature on skeletal muscle biomechanics, the Nature design philosophy is inferred. Formulas and curves employed by Nature in the design of muscles are presented. Design units such as fiber, tendon, aponeurosis, and motor units are compared with the equivalent design units to be taken into account in the design of EAP actuators. Finally a complete design methodology for the design of actuators based on multiple EAP fiber/sheets is proposed. In addition, the procedure gives an idea of the required parameters that must be clearly modeled and characterized at EAP material level prior to attempt the design of complex Electromechanical Systems based on Electroactive Polymers.
  • Publication
    Hydrolytic damage study of the silane coupling region in coated silica microfibres: pH and coating type effects
    (Elsevier, 2003-12-20) Olmos Díaz, Dania; González Benito, Francisco Javier; Aznar Jiménez, Antonio; Baselga Llidó, Juan
    Aqueous solutions of three silanes to cover silica microfibres were used, being the 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) and the 3-aminopropylmethyldiethoxysilane (APDES) the reagents for preparing them at the proportion of (APTES/APDES): 1/0, 1/1 and 0/1. The 1-pyrene sulphonyl chloride (PSC) fluorescent moiety was chemically attached to the silanised substrate via the sulphonamide formation. The hydrolytic degradation phenomenon of the silane coupling layer was studied as a function of: (i) temperature, (ii) coating layer type and (iii) pH (4, 7 and 10). The hydrolytic damage in the coupling region of the silica microfibres composite materials occurs under an equilibrium process. It was obtained the activation energies (Ea) for the hydrolytic damage considering the rate to reach the equilibrium. The values of Ea depended on the type of coating and on the pH. As a consequence, the rate of hydrolytic damage could be related to the proportion of Sisilane–O–Sisilane, while the OH− groups were thought to catalyse the reaction.