Presence-aware personaliced television

Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Since the advent of the digital era, the traditional TV scenario has rapidly evolved towards an ecosystem comprised of a myriad of services, applications, channels, and contents. As a direct consequence, the amount of available information and configuration options targeted at today's end consumers have become unmanageable. Thus, personalization and usability emerge as indispensable elements to improve our content-overloaded digital homes. With these requirements in mind, we present a way to combine content adaptation paradigms together with presence detection in order to allow a seamless and personalized entertainment experience when watching TV
Proceedings of: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2011), 9-12 January 2011, Las Vegas (USA)
Digital TV, Content personalization, Identity management, Presence detection
Bibliographic citation
2011 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 9-12 January 2011, p. 769-770