Design and capacity performance analysis of wireless mesh network

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From the network operator’s point of view, the high CAPEX/OPEX cost resulting from fixed/wired backhaul links can be inhibitive to successful deployment of broadband wireless services. The emerging wireless mesh network (WMN) technology is seen as one of the potential solutions which may reduce wired backhaul dependency through multihop transmission. Despite the advantages, many remain sceptical on WMN’s network capacity and scalability performances particularly when the user density is high. This paper provides an insight on the best possible upper-bound capacity performance of WMN, taking into consideration three key design parameters namely 1) Percentage of wired backhaul points per network, 2) Mesh-to-Access Link-Rate Ratio (R) and 3) Number of radio interfaces per mesh node including hybrid radio options. These design options are compared and contrasted with different deployment densities. The results generally show that the higher the number of backhaul points, the higher the effective access capacity available to mesh node and hence user domain. Increasing the R and the number of radio per mesh node are two alternative means to push up the effective access capacity per mesh node without increasing the number of wired backhaul points. This is most significant in multi radio system where about 80% of the backhaul points can be eliminated with R= 3 in order to maintain effective access capacity close to full rate (Capacity, C=1) per mesh node. It is also found that 50% of the backhaul points can be eliminated with R=2 for all radio options (except for the pure single radio case).
Proceedings of: 5th International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications, and Systems (Mobility 2008), (September 10-12, 2008), Yilan (Taiwan)
Wireless mesh networking, Broadband wireless access, Network planning
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5th International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications, and Systems (Mobility 2008), (September 10-12, 2008), Yilan (Taiwan)