Distributor effects near the bottom region of turbulent fluidized beds

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The distributor plate effects on the hydrodynamic characteristics of turbulent fluidized beds are investigated by obtaining measurements of pressure and radial voidage profiles in a column diameter of 0.29 m with Group A particles using bubble bubble-cap or perforated plate distributors. Distributor pressure drop measurements between the two distributors are compared with the theoretical estimations while the influence of the mass inventory is studied. Comparison is established for the transition velocity from bubbling to turbulent regime, Uc, deduced from the pressure fluctuations in the bed using gauge pressure measurements. The effect of the distributor on the flow structure near the bottom region of the bed is studied using differential and gauge pressure transducers located at different axial positions along the bed. The radial voidage profile in the bed is also measured using optical fiber probes, which provide local measurements of the voidage at different heights above the distributor. The distributor plate has a significant effect on the bed hydrodynamics. Owing to the jetting caused by the perforated plate distributor, earlier onset of the transition to the turbulent fluidization flow regime was observed. Moreover, increased carry over for the perforated plate compared with the bubble caps has been confirmed. The results have highlighted the influence of the distributor plate on the fluidized bed hydrodynamics which has consequences in terms of comparing experimental and simulation results between different distributor plates
Fluidization, Hydrodynamics, Multiphase flow, Distributor plates, Turbulent fluidized bed, Voidage
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Powder Technology, (Jan. 2009), 189(1), 25-33