On the use of many-core machines for the acceleration of a mesh truncation technique for FEM

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Finite element method (FEM) has been used for years for radiation problems in the field of electromagnetism. To tackle problems of this kind, mesh truncation techniques are required, which may lead to the use of high computational resources. In fact, electrically large radiation problems can only be tackled using massively parallel computational resources. Different types of multi-core machines are commonly employed in diverse fields of science for accelerating a number of applications. However, properly managing their computational resources becomes a very challenging task. On the one hand, we present a hybrid message passing interface + OpenMP-based acceleration of a mesh truncation technique included in a FEM code for electromagnetism in a high-performance computing cluster equipped with 140 compute nodes. Results show that we obtain about 85% of the theoretical maximum speedup of the machine. On the other hand, a graphics processing unit has been used to accelerate one of the parts that presents high fine-grain parallelism.
Acceleration, Parallelization, Mpi, Openmp, Electromagnetism, Finite elements
Bibliographic citation
Belloch, J. A., Amor-Martin, A., Garcia-Donoro, D., Martínez-Zaldívar, F. J., & Garcia-Castillo, L. E. (2019). On the use of many-core machines for the acceleration of a mesh truncation technique for FEM. In The Journal of Supercomputing, 75(3), 1686–1696