Soliton ratchets in homogeneous nonlinear Klein-Gordon systems

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ISSN: 1054-1500 (print version)
ISSN: 1089-7682 (online version)
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American Institute of Physics
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We study in detail the ratchetlike dynamics of topological solitons in homogeneous nonlinear Klein-Gordon systems driven by a biharmonic force. By using a collective coordinate approach with two degrees of freedom, namely the center of the soliton, X t , and its width, l t , we show, first, that energy is inhomogeneously pumped into the system, generating as result a directed motion; and, second, that the breaking of the time shift symmetry gives rise to a resonance mechanism that takes place whenever the width l t oscillates with at least one frequency of the external ac force. In addition, we show that for the appearance of soliton ratchets, it is also necessary to break the time-reversal symmetry. We analyze in detail the effects of dissipation in the system, calculating the average velocity of the soliton as a function of the ac force and the damping.We find current reversal phenomena depending on the parameter choice and discuss the important role played by the phases of the ac force. Our analytical calculations are confirmed by numerical simulations of the full partial differential equations of the sine-Gordon and 4 systems, which are seen to exhibit the same qualitative behavior. Our results show features similar to those obtained in recent experimental work on dissipation induced symmetry breaking.
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Chaos, vol. 16, n. 1, mar. 2006, 13 págs.